15 Comics Of Funny, Silly Things That Almost All Of Us Have To Confess
If study or work makes you feel stressed and exhausted, you should definitely do something that gives you positive energy. What about reading colorful and funny comics? Not a bad idea, right? And today, we recommend you funny and adorable comics of talented illustrator Fazry Maulana.
Fazry Maulana is an Indonesian artist who is known for his hilarious comic strips on social media. Fazry's themes often revolve around the problems of his own daily life. He shares stories about family, social media, relationships, silly daily struggles that almost all of us feel familiar with.
Featuring adorable drawings, these funny and silly comics get many people hooked. We've summed up some of his best collection comics in the collection below. All you need to do is to scroll down and try not to laugh like a drain.
Fazry Maulana is an Indonesian artist who is known for his hilarious comic strips on social media. Fazry's themes often revolve around the problems of his own daily life. He shares stories about family, social media, relationships, silly daily struggles that almost all of us feel familiar with.
Featuring adorable drawings, these funny and silly comics get many people hooked. We've summed up some of his best collection comics in the collection below. All you need to do is to scroll down and try not to laugh like a drain.
#1 When a little bit of sweet cake destroys all the hard work to stay in shape...
Source: Fzmaulana
#2 My universe seems to stop working until I find it
Source: Fzmaulana
#3 Oh, poor the children of Thanos!!
Source: Fzmaulana
#4 It speaks my mind
Source: Fzmaulana
#5 That’s every day at school
Source: Fzmaulana
#6 Uh ohh...
Source: Fzmaulana
#7 Instagram jokes about that..
Source: Fzmaulana
#8 Every bathroom singer does love their own voice
Source: Fzmaulana
#9 I hope it's correct, LOL
Source: Fzmaulana
#10 So jealous...
Source: Fzmaulana
#11 OK then bye
Source: Fzmaulana
#12 This is my mood when having a hair in the food
Source: Fzmaulana
#13 Mother loves you and grandmother loves you more. That's right
Source: Fzmaulana
#14 What do you think?
Source: Fzmaulana
#15 He needs a vacation from his vacation
Source: Fzmaulana
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