
Talented Artist Draws 30 Pictures That Totally Sum Up Modern Life Issues, And You May Need Time To Understand Them

An artist from Milan, Italy called Elia Colombo (known to social media as Gebelia) is engaged in using illustrations to reflect reality. He combines his skills in graphic design and philosophy to draw illustrations that take adults minutes to understand. Colombo's themes include humanity and the nature of our society such as prejudice, blind belief, fear, common sense, education, mass information, so on.
Through colorful and funny imagery, he pointed out the dark sides of the modern world in a deep and meaningful way. His purpose is not to make people laugh but to make us rethink and change our perception as well as our lifestyle.
You can check out some of them below.

#1 Dream big, it's free - "The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.”

Source: Gebelia

#2 Contemporary sign of love - "Love" reaction - sign of a love's beginning

Source: Gebelia

#3 Back to School - School seems to become a "burden" for many students

Source: Gebelia

#4 Who am I? - Hidden behind a mask that others see...

Source: Gebelia

#5 Make a wish - The yearning, longing, and homesickness...

Source: Gebelia

#6 The solo traveler

Source: Gebelia

#7 Forced indoctrination - Even the backpack looks sad

Source: Gebelia

#8 Breaking the rule

Source: Gebelia

#9 We can undo it! - If you had “ctrl + z”, what would you be doing now?

Source: Gebelia

#10 Infinity brew

Source: Gebelia

#11 Digital illusions - Isn't this what we do to get ready for a date or a formal occasion? It's okay to look better, just don't lose yourself . . .

Source: Gebelia

#12 Humanity, a degenerative disease

Source: Gebelia

#13 How designers look at curves

Source: Gebelia

#14 New followers - Death is our ultimate follower

Source: Gebelia

#15 Feed your mind - What are you feeding your mind with?

Source: Gebelia

#16 Getting a job - Getting a job is not synonymous with losing freedom...

Source: Gebelia

#17 The lost sheep - Or, the smart sheep?

Source: Gebelia

#18 Read more books - "Tv puts pictures in your eyes, but books put pictures in your mind."

Source: Gebelia

#19 Alter lego - Our alter ego is much more colorful?

Source: Gebelia

#20 The outcast - Nobody reads me...

Source: Gebelia

#21 Keep on appreciating it

Source: Gebelia

#22 Find the path - The path to love is never straight. Lol

Source: Gebelia

#23 The deepest seeker - Seek within yourself

Source: Gebelia

#24 The self-made-man - That is really cool

Source: Gebelia

#25 Unachievable satisfaction - You can find happiness on your phone?

Source: Gebelia

#26 Back to school guys, back to standardization - Back to reality

Source: Gebelia

#27 Cuteness extract

Source: Gebelia

#28 Self-cracking - Oh, NOOOO

Source: Gebelia

#29 Self-love - Make love with the heart

Source: Gebelia

#30 Music from the deep

Source: Gebelia

H/T: Bored Panda
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