Heart-Warming Video Of Premature Boy From Very First Days Staying In Hospital Until Heading Home With Parents
As a parent, nothing is happier than seeing their babies come into this world healthily and grow up happily. It's a long and not an easy journey but they love to be involved in it. Parenthood is probably among the most wonderful things in this world. If God brings angles to you, please treat them well.
After spending 107 days in INCU, little Ward could head home with his parents. In other words, he could finally reunite with his mom after many nights out without her.
And the video is emotionally powerful. It touches the deepest parts of parents over the world. Becoming a parent is not an easy job but they find it worth it.
H/T: Reshareworthy
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
After spending 107 days in INCU, little Ward could head home with his parents. In other words, he could finally reunite with his mom after many nights out without her.
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
And the video is emotionally powerful. It touches the deepest parts of parents over the world. Becoming a parent is not an easy job but they find it worth it.
Screenshot: Benjamin Scot Productions, LLC
H/T: Reshareworthy
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