Famous Characters Jump Out Of The Movies For Shopping, And Here Are Funny Illustrations Of What Is On Their Cart
Whether you like it or not, you need to do that normal thing - shopping. So do our famous fictional characters. Even they seem to have too many things to go shopping for. Let’s imagine for a second that superheroes and cartoon characters' daily lives involved regular visits to the supermarket – what would they buy there?
Sharing the same question, Linda Bouderbala, a talented artist with great imagination has created a series of illustrations showing her favorite fictional celebrities checking out their chosen items to give us the answer. And the result of her imagination is amazing. With all the mass-market products within easy reach, our fictional characters can buy anything necessary for their lives. For example, to have smooth hair, how can Rapunzel live without a detangler. Or nothing can stop Minions from eating bananas. Just tell me what they buy and I will tell you who they are. They are so hilarious. Let's check out!
Sharing the same question, Linda Bouderbala, a talented artist with great imagination has created a series of illustrations showing her favorite fictional celebrities checking out their chosen items to give us the answer. And the result of her imagination is amazing. With all the mass-market products within easy reach, our fictional characters can buy anything necessary for their lives. For example, to have smooth hair, how can Rapunzel live without a detangler. Or nothing can stop Minions from eating bananas. Just tell me what they buy and I will tell you who they are. They are so hilarious. Let's check out!
#1 There should be like, 50 bunches of bananas.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#2 Sadness would buy a thousand boxes of tissue!! They're not enough
Source: linda_bouderbala
#3 Just for her cat!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#4 He would go off and buy the whole supply of apples
Source: linda_bouderbala
#5 Is a bottle enough?
Source: linda_bouderbala
#6 Be careful! Bender would steal the beers
Source: linda_bouderbala
#7 There's no Scooby snacks?
Source: linda_bouderbala
#8 She'll need a bucket of that stuff, not a bottle
Source: linda_bouderbala
#9 What does our super cool Deadpool buy? - A unicorn soft toy!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#10 Jigglypuff and Markers
Source: linda_bouderbala
#11 Baymax and Scotch Tape
Source: linda_bouderbala
#12 Amusingly enough, I think he actually did this in the movie--he directly bought sugar and spice so he could make his perfect little girls.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#13 Surely Popeye would buy fresh spinach, which really is lovely.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#14 Cinderella and pumpkin. Oh wait, how about cleaning materials?
Source: linda_bouderbala
#15 Everyone! Listen! Pennywise has just bought a red baloon! Stay at home!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#16 Rick and Pickles
Source: linda_bouderbala
#17 In case, someone would take his nose to cook soup
Source: linda_bouderbala
#18 April O'neil buys pizzas
Source: linda_bouderbala
#19 Mario pay for mushrooms by gold!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#20 Don't sell Poison Ivy weedkiller. That's risky
Source: linda_bouderbala
#21 Find someone who looks at you the same way Pikachu looks at his ketchup
Source: linda_bouderbala
#22 Amusingly enough, I think he actually did this in the movie--he directly bought sugar and spice so he could make his perfect little girls.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#23 Bob Parr And Cookies
Source: linda_bouderbala
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