Are You Aware Of Modern Social Issues Inserted In Classic Disney Movies's Story Lines And Plots?
Cartoons are not only for children and there are a lot of profound values behind these animated movies. Talented directors often subtly insert lessons or social realities they want to convey into their films and that makes the audiences feel excited. However, trying to find out the values that the movies convey is pretty common nowadays. How about exploring the messages that this talented artist wants to express through classic cartoon scenes?
Tom Ward, a talented American artist, has a lot of thoughts about the state of our modernized society and he decides to infuse them into his artworks by redrawing classic Disney scenes. Have you ever thought of the real reason why Ariel can't continue living in the ocean? It may be because her ocean is extremely destroyed by the toxic waste that no marine animals can live here anymore. Immediately after being published, his works have received a great response from everyone and several assumptions about the real meanings of his pictures have been discussed. Using classic cartoon scenes to describe social issues is a genius idea, isn't it?
Let's discover the truth behind these seemingly children's pictures and you will definitely be surprised by their profound message!
Tom Ward, a talented American artist, has a lot of thoughts about the state of our modernized society and he decides to infuse them into his artworks by redrawing classic Disney scenes. Have you ever thought of the real reason why Ariel can't continue living in the ocean? It may be because her ocean is extremely destroyed by the toxic waste that no marine animals can live here anymore. Immediately after being published, his works have received a great response from everyone and several assumptions about the real meanings of his pictures have been discussed. Using classic cartoon scenes to describe social issues is a genius idea, isn't it?
Let's discover the truth behind these seemingly children's pictures and you will definitely be surprised by their profound message!
#1 The issue of sexual orientation
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
Tom Ward uses two Disney controversial characters with rainbow flags to talk about sexual orientation in today's society. His message is: No matter who you are and what your gender is, you have the right to love and be loved!#2 Wild animals become a hobby for humans
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
Instead of living freely in the green forest, today, wild animals are kept in zoos or circuses to entertain people. Tom Ward used images from the classic movie "The Lion King" to represent this sad social status. Another good reason why Shere Khan should hate humans.#3 Eating Disorders
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
This picture is probably about a natural diet being trending now in the young generation.#4 Sexist
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
An Instagram user shared her thought about this picture: "It represents an hopefully outdated stereotype of the woman where she is in charge of cleaning and chores."#5 Be free, my friend!
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
We should literally liberate all caged animals.#6 Let's take a selfie, shall we?
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
This painting reflects the selfie wave which is being on trend.#7 Climbing through the windows to play with friends
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
Another modern-day life!#8 Fox hunting issue
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
Fox-hunting is so developing that it threatens the existence of fox species.#9 The hunt for Ivory
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
Does this image upset you? Let's join hands to save our friendly elephants!#10 Turn your phone down!
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
Nowadays, people often have their noses on their phones and don't have time to connect with other people, even with their soulmates.#11 Sometimes the real magic is just next to us but we don't even realize it
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
#12 Water Pollution
Source: Instagram - Tom Ward
Marine animal's habitats are extremely being destroyed because of toxic waste.Share this article