35+ Hilarious Moments Of Bears Doing Adorable and Ridiculous Things
Strong bears sure are big brothers of the woods. They are dangerous and furious when hungry or feeling invaded. Thanks to their intimidating appearance and powerful muscles, they aren't messed with by any wild animal. Still, we know that mother nature never creates any being perfectly majestic.
Those terrifying grizzly beasts are dedicating some time to derp around alone or with other fellow bears when they're not busy looking for food or sleeping. These silly moments were caught randomly by passers-by and shared on the internet. Now, bears have the chance to turn from the king of forests to the king of memes.
Normally, we don't have many opportunities to encounter a bear acting stupidly cute. So, if you don't mind, let us demonstrate how dumb one could be through this compilation!
Those terrifying grizzly beasts are dedicating some time to derp around alone or with other fellow bears when they're not busy looking for food or sleeping. These silly moments were caught randomly by passers-by and shared on the internet. Now, bears have the chance to turn from the king of forests to the king of memes.
Normally, we don't have many opportunities to encounter a bear acting stupidly cute. So, if you don't mind, let us demonstrate how dumb one could be through this compilation!
#1. Absolute Unit Kodiak Bear
Source: kylekotajarvi
#2. Someone's Had A Beary Rough Day
Source: reddit
#3. Just Some Black Bears Eating Some Apples In The Woods
Source: John Fusco
#4. Caught The Homie On Break At The Zoo
Source: BeefSquatchKing
#5. "Officer, where can I find my mom?"
Source: internet
#6. Thinking
Source: bearmiro02
#7. "I Had This Strange Feeling I Was Being Watched"
Source: Clifford Wilson
#8. Bear Enjoying The View And Contemplating Life
Source: internet
#9. "Oh, Herro Hooman, It's Just Me, Bear"
Source: radiogunk
#10. He Could Bear-Ly Swim
Source: internet
#11. Paws To Paws
Source: 970souk
#12. Beagull
Source: Jonathan Chen
#13. "Sad Bear Popped A Hole In My Friend's Pool"
Source: MattSayar
#14. Little Bear
Source: bearmiro02
#15. Bears Having Fun
Source: Niki McGuire
#16. "This Bear Chilling In A Tree, Picture Taken Today By Myself"
Source: bricks87
#17. "This Bear Started Begging For My French Fries At The Zoo"
Source: vampfredthefrog
#18. Momma Bear Checking For The Traffic Before Letting Her Cubs Cross The Road
Source: HavingLastLaugh
#19. Check Out This Guy Just Chilling By A Lake With A Rainbow Contemplating Life
Source: OMGLMAOWTF_com
#20. Bear And Chipmunk Sharing Breakfast
Source: Beige_bear
#21. Even Bears Need To Relax Sometimes
Source: taykaybo
#22. Bears In Trees? Bears In Threes? Bears In Trees
Source: ramdom-ink
#23. "So We Got Married At The Zoo, And This Bear Had An Interesting First Look Reaction"
Source: DrBaumli
#24. "I Found Confession Bear At The Zoo Today"
Source: bigred1987
#25. "Mmm. Let's See How My Stocks Are Doing Today"
Source: internet
#26. Sleeping
Source: Greg Goebel
#27. Grizzly pilot
Source: reddit
#28. Is It A Bear Or A Dog?
Source: Economy_Albatross
#29. Well-Fed Bear From Katmai
Source: OncaAtrox
#30. Bear Looks Sarcastic
Source: RuggedlyHandsome
#31. This Bear Trying To Hide Behind A Tree Trunk
Source: sinpew
#32. Chill
Source: timlewisnm
#33. "Can't get the hooman..."
Source: Tambako The Jaguar
#34. Comfortable
Source: Arctic Wolf
#35. Huh?
Source: xrayspx
#36. Smokey The Bear
Source: katmai_bears
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