
23 Dumb Things Kids Did And Said That Were Too Adorable Not To Share

Kids, obviously, are adorable and pure. They are full of imagination, curiosity, excitement, and energy. It seems like asking “Why” and “Why not” for the whole day is one of their hobbies. They have their own logic that sometimes can make us adults think they are creatures belonging to another planet. Something that even us can hardly think of. And most of the time, things that they do or say are undeniably hilarious.
People are sharing funny and priceless stories about cute little humans. Kids may do numerous silly things, but they still bring us lots of amusing moments. Scroll down below to recall if you ever did something like this when you were a child.

#1. Let him be

Source: jungleland

#2. "Words can’t explain their stupidity"

Source: kansa04

#3. But that's funny

Source: GoodishIntent

#4. Genius dad

Source: TwinzerDad

#5. That is so adorable

Source: Horrors-Angel

#6. "Blaming on a doggo"

Source: Buff_52

#7. Laugh way too hard at this

Source: jacaristar

#8. This is both cute and hilarious

Source: mollypriddy

#9. A smart kiddo

Source: ginad129

#10. So true

Source: mirielmargaret

#11. At least you're not bored

Source: MattWalshBlog

#12. "He'll never have get it back"

Source: TedCruzIsMe

#13. "My sons latest attempt at hide and seek"

Source: smazarpay

#14. Technically the kid's not wrong

Source: someboysmother

#15. Lol, a tomato

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#16. Ah snacks!

Source: HenpeckedHal

#17. You're a great mom

Source: om_eye_goodness

#18. Lmao

Source: Trev97

#19. What a sweet kid

Source: bradley163

#20. Someday they start understanding...

Source: WhiskeyMeAway-

#21. "I believe I can lie"

Source: YagamiRyuzaki

#22. "150.00$ on a pool for this kid to rather be on a paint container"

Source: kirktucci

#23. "Identically unperturbed by what they did to themselves with the clippers at 5 am"

Source: passingglans

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