20 Of The Most Hilarious Fatherhood Tweets Ever
In our eyes, dads are superheroes. They can do almost everything, but sometimes they also have struggles in their fatherhood. It’s fair enough since we all know being a mom or a dad is never easy. And most dads always try their best to be good fathers. With their love and great sense of humor, many dads find their journey of raising munchkins is much more fun. And they decide to share it with the world.
Below is a list of funny tweets from papas sharing their fatherhood moments. These relatable stories would be the perfect way to brighten up your day. Scroll down to check.
Below is a list of funny tweets from papas sharing their fatherhood moments. These relatable stories would be the perfect way to brighten up your day. Scroll down to check.
Source: dad_off_my_feet
Source: HenpeckedHal
Source: crookedroads770
Source: daddydoubts
Source: ItsAndyRyan
Source: bhgreeley
Source: simoncholland
Source: dad_on_my_feet
Source: Average_Dad1
Source: NewDadNotes
Source: daddydoubts
Source: XplodingUnicorn
Source: HenpeckedHal
Source: simoncholland
Source: HenpeckedHal
Source: Spaziotwat
Source: VancityReynolds
Source: DadandBuried
Source: Dadpression
Source: mcnees
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