25 People Who Do Not Want To Be Parents Have Sassy Things To Say About Childfree Life
Although there is still a push that everyone needs to get married and have children, more and more people opt for a childfree lifestyle for several reasons these days. They are worried about costs of living, occupations, right person, or they are just afraid that they cannot handle life with kids running around their house and make some noise. Whatever reason, it’s still their choice and it’s all valid.
To know more about why many people choose to skip parenthood, we have rounded up some tweets of people sharing their own points of view about it. They are just enjoying their relaxing moments and personal independence without kids, and it’s totally okay.
To know more about why many people choose to skip parenthood, we have rounded up some tweets of people sharing their own points of view about it. They are just enjoying their relaxing moments and personal independence without kids, and it’s totally okay.
Source: carlissc
Source: OhNoSheTwitnt
Source: molly7anne
Source: thekellymaclean
Source: clhubes
Source: witchxcrafter
Source: ShalindaKirby
Source: DestryBrod
Source: So504real
Source: DaddysFave_
Source: CrissRad
Source: Bequian
Source: CaptainArinze
Source: TheRachelFisher
Source: molly7anne
Source: slackmistress
Source: stupidoldandy
Source: HenpeckedHal
Source: ninisalinass
Source: dafloydsta
Source: ElizaBayne
Source: mdob11
Source: EmiBarry
Source: JessFink
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