  Table of content    
  1. A person's bad luck can be another's blessing
  2. No one could muster the courage to tell him
  3. Alright, HOW???
  4. God helps that man
  5. The one time the phone doesn't land face-down when dropped
  6. She found out she was allergic to bees
  7. The worst of our fears
  8. Bonding with your new bestie I see
  9. When it rains it pours
  10. You can't have sh!t in Detroit

Unlucky People Whose Days Were Ruined So Badly It's Hilarious

Life is not always smooth like butter. More often than not, you suffer from days feeling like everything on earth turns back on you. It’s just a nightmare that you split a cup of coffee on your white shirt right before heading out for work. Then you might be in a bad mood for the whole day. Right. It’s so bad, but it could be worse.

Scrolling down the list below, you will see that you are not the only unlucky one in the world. In fact, you will probably think that you are still lucky enough, for somewhere there are people whose days were ruined so badly that it's hard not to burst out laughing. It’s a bit mean to find hilarity in others’ bad luck, yet somehow these misfortune situations might help you forget about your sad story.

A person's bad luck can be another's blessing

A person's bad luck can be another's blessing Source: the Internet

Silly Girl

silly girlSource: the Internet

No one could muster the courage to tell him

No one could muster the courage to tell him Source: the Internet

"Guess I'll starve"

people whose days were ruined by vending machinesSource: the Internet

Alright, HOW???

Alright, HOW??? Source: the Internet

Bro can't pull out

bro can't pull out Source: the Internet

God helps that man

God helps that man Source: the Internet

When your homie gets a little carried away during FIFA

people whose days were ruined by FIFASource: the Internet

The one time the phone doesn't land face-down when dropped

The one time the phone doesn't land face-down when dropped Source: the Internet

There was an attempt to get the ball down

there was an attempt to get the ball downSource: the Internet

She found out she was allergic to bees

She found out she was allergic to bees Source: the Internet

Poor fella got his money stolen by a focking crow

poor fellaSource: the Internet

The worst of our fears

The worst of our fears Source: the Internet

Wrong helmet

wrong helmetSource: the Internet

Bonding with your new bestie I see

Bonding with your new bestie I see Source: the Internet

Man finds out he is allergic to hair dye after turning into Justin Bieber

When it rains it pours

When it rains it pours Source: the Internet

It flew through his window, shat on his laptop and then just died right on the spot

this is peak disrespect Source: the Internet

You can't have sh!t in Detroit

You can't have sh!t in Detroit Source: the Internet

Hope she likes the plate

"I picked the ladder up forgetting the paint was on top"

Source: tiger_qween

"Losing 2 fingers in a work-related accident on the day my new guitar arrived"

Source: isaactheantagonist

"Got up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water, and when I opened the fridge the door fell off in my hand"

Source: ItsMeMurphYSlaw

"Walking to my first job this morning with a fresh cup of coffee. That’s not cream, it’s a crow shit hole in one"

Source: rilescrane

"A driveway crew was pouring concrete at a new house next to a duck pond. They went to lunch and came back to this..."

people whose days were ruined by chickensSource: BluestarHUS

"My pepper grinder broke this morning"

people whose days were ruined by broken pepper grindersSource: scoobdrew

"Looks like someone put too much soap in the washing machine"

people whose days were ruined by washing machinesSource: iBleeedorange

"Got stung on the lip by a wasp getting the ole’ Christmas tree out"

Source: Sternicus

"Made a turmeric face mask without actually researching it and it stained my face now I look like bart simpson"

Source: sophcianciulli

"Put both on this morning to get wife’s opinion. Forgot to change before I left and was at work all day like this"

Source: feltonpbeaver

"I'm the only person in my entire office of 30 people who dressed up today and I'm in a full body banana suit"

Source: Srob87

"Came home late from work, drop my open sandwich in the parking lot. Go to make pasta, the first pot slips and I pour it all on the ground. Make a second pot and the handle straight up breaks and my pasta goes everywhere. Didn't eat; had a lil cry"

Source: SuitsAndStripes

"So this just happened. I was pulling a jacket over my head and the zipper got caught on my eyelid. There's one person that it could happen to... Yes, it hurt really bad"

Source: HolySleetBalls

"I'm having a disaster of a morning, and then this goddam squirrel stole the croissant I'd been saving to finally enjoy when I got back home"

Source: lornek

"Mother-in-law just served me this piece of cake..."

Source: SaltyDogBiscuit

"My phone was stolen last week in London and I just got a notification saying it had been located..."

Source: Lemonslothcake

"Remember to close the dog flap during a torrential rain..."

Source: OryxTheJimmy

"I ordered a blackhead remover and this is how it was packed. I had to collect it at the post office and it was the most embarrassing thing ever"

Source: MsLynnMoore

"Well there is a water snake living in my toilet somehow"

Source: TheEerieZeroQueen

"Some poor old Gary somewhere was just hoping to declare his love for Doris today"

Source: Andy Giurtalis

"I tried to grow potatoes, 10 weeks after I get this"

Source: msoto15

"Would anyone care to guess which one is currently lining my mouth?"


"Wife and I visited the Eiffel Tower for our honeymoon"

Source: theadum

"Walked through a fly strip this morning... Spent an hour shampooing glue and fly guts out of my hair"

Source: queendank

"Drove 45 mins to the store thinking I had my mask in my pocket. It was a baby sock"

Source: zoltrules

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