33 Times When People's Birthdays Went Terribly Wrong
We have collected 33 pictures that capture the moments when people's birthdays went terribly wrong. One bought a PS5 for their son’s birthday; however, they received a rock instead. Another celebrated their special day at the hospital. The list goes on and on. Scroll down to take a look. If you have any unforgettable memories about your birthday, please share them with us by leaving a comment below.
#1. My quarantine birthday is going well
Source: watskii
#2. Bought a PS5 for my son’s birthday. Someone at UPS swapped it out with a rock
Source: reddit.com
#3. How my friend is celebrating his birthday today
Source: CDC678
#4. I was the only one who turned up to my B-day party. So I got some balloon friends to join lmao. I’m now inviting all of Reddit, there will be cake, and cheap paper plates
Source: SlyMoonLlama
#5. My mom ordered a TV (delivered by FedEx) for me for my birthday we just opened it up to turn it on and...
Source: XyroGame
#6. My kid during his birthday safari
Source: spencabt
#7. Whole Foods Prime delivery for my mom's birthday
Source: dreamboat252
#8. This is me at the skating rink for my birthday party nobody came to. No it wasn’t Covid-19. It was 1995 and I had no friends
Source: reddit.com
#9. Me and all the friends I invited to my birthday!
Source: SparkenSirius
#10. My friend's 16th birthday was on 9/11
Source: Righteous_Fire
#11. Someone threw away the rest of my birthday cake before I was able to take it home...
Source: Grykllx
#12. Today’s my birthday
No one could make it over for pizza and games, the power went out and I twisted my ankle because I couldn’t see coming down the stairs. It’ll be me, the guitar, and some tears tonight. Happy 20th to me!
Source: reddit.com
#13. It’s my birthday ?. It’s also the only day my doctor could remove my 3 kidney stones (Laser lithotripsy). Wish me luck!
Source: reddit.com
#14. Did this at football practice......on my birthday
Source: jonesnet
#15. The worst birthday card I've ever gotten...
Source: randymachokingsavage
#16. Birthday balloons caught on a rose bush as I brought them in...
Source: oldmanvegas
#17. Facebook...
Source: Pirate_Redbeard
#18. Mom made me a birthday cake last year. Didn't leave enough room to dot the exclamation point
Source: AnaChevez69
#19. It was supposed to say happy birthday lizard (her nickname)...
Source: katmermaid
#20. Happy Birthday!
Source: CritterBoiFancy
#21. Well
Source: Medicina
#22. Absolutely no one remembered my birthday except another person who has the same birthday as me and gave me a pen
Source: reddit.com
#23. Everyone including my parents forgot it was my birthday today, so I improvised
Source: Die_libtard
#24. Someone cut me up while transporting chili for my sister in laws birthday dinner
Source: g-hannah85
#25. Had to have emergency surgery to get my appendix removed this morning. Oh, and it's my birthday!
Source: stairway_2evan
#26. I baked cakes for my work colleagues for my birthday and nobody took any
Source: Marco3712
#27. My mom sent me a birthday care package from a cross country with my favorite candy. This is what LA heat did to my precious milk duds
Source: Grootdrew
#28. My mom made me a pan of brownies for my birthday, and my son insisted on carrying them on the way home. Got back and somehow they ended up with a giant footprint on them
Source: nday79
#29. Bought myself a Birthday cake yesterday. Then the rest of my family found it
Source: gentlybeepingheart
#30. On my 30th birthday, one of my friends dropped his phone on the cake! One of my best memory and one of his worst!
Source: Oppapaerdna
#31. Kid spitting all over the cake
Source: reddit.com
#32. Matty Matheson's daughter wanted to help make her own birthday cake
Source: bikinireef
#33. Happy Birthday!
Source: Poeticyst
We have already written about birthdays that went terribly wrong before. You can check out our previous article right here and enjoy a good laugh with us.