20 Times People Fail Ridiculously To Install Wheelchair Ramps
We all know that handicapped people find it really hard to move around, especially to enter buildings or higher places. So, it is appropriate and necessary to install accessible wheelchair ramps for them. However, some designers seemingly do not get the point of designing proper ramps for disabilities. They just make some vertical wooden or cement ascents and call them handicap ramps. How handicapped people can access those mostly useless ramps, in these cases, is not their problem.
In this post, we have compiled some of the most ridiculous accessibility designs that people spotted in public places. Those are supposed to serve disabilities, but it looks like they can hardly perform their function. Some even look like a rollercoaster. Check the pics out to see how some designers mess up their work.

In this post, we have compiled some of the most ridiculous accessibility designs that people spotted in public places. Those are supposed to serve disabilities, but it looks like they can hardly perform their function. Some even look like a rollercoaster. Check the pics out to see how some designers mess up their work.
#1. Crosswalk For The Handicapped

Image source: Silker3612
#2. But It’s Up The Stairs

Image source: SacredOrange
#3. I Have No Words For This One

Image source: reddit.com
#4. Being Handicapped In Cabo San Lucas Is Apparently An Extreme Sport

Image source: Just_some_n00b
#5. The Portuguese Parliament Had To Become Handicap Accessible Due To Having One Deputy On A Wheelchair. This Is The Result

Image source: imgur.com
#6. This Is For The Brave

Image source: dtrford
#7. Extreme Wheelchairing

Image source: Planeguy58
#8. How Did They Do That?

Image source: GeneReddit123
#9. For Disabled Wheelchair Users

Image source: 4Kmemento
#10. That's Too Much

Image source: OlivierDeCarglass
#11. Wheee

Image source: TD-28
#12. How Is This Supposed To Work?

Image source: reddit.com
#13. At Least Wheelchairs Can Reach The First Stair

Image source: Juju1990
#14. You Could Get A Wheelchair In There

Image source: bennett4senate
#15. Just Why?

Image source: alflx
#16. Accessibility Fail

Image source: BaptouB
#17. So Friendly

Image source: Kotejichizu
#18. For Those Who Feel They Aren’t Quite Handicapped Enough

Image source: OctopussSevenTwo
#19. Fail

Image source: Isobarix
#20. To Invite A Disabled Man To Talk About Accessibility
Image source: bebesiege
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