Boston Home Inspectors Found Amusing Things While Doing Their Job
Since a home inspection is an investigation to give objective assessments of the current conditions of a house, you may think that the home inspectors only go around checking if the equipment and everything related to your house is okay or not. But actually, some inspectors do a little bit more than that. They also take photos of some interesting things they found during their job, and post them on the internet for people to see what strange stuff some houses may have.
And we are going to talk about Boston Home Inspectors. They have been inspecting houses for over twenty years so far. Along with that, they have come across many amusing and weird things, sometimes. If you follow them, you will have a chance to see their daily post of funny and unbelievable things found on their job. Check out some of the pics that we’ve collected in the list below.

And we are going to talk about Boston Home Inspectors. They have been inspecting houses for over twenty years so far. Along with that, they have come across many amusing and weird things, sometimes. If you follow them, you will have a chance to see their daily post of funny and unbelievable things found on their job. Check out some of the pics that we’ve collected in the list below.
#1. "With This Design You Can Multitask. Wash Dishes While You’re On The Crapper"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#2. "When You Need Privacy!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#3. "Sometimes You Just Need A Little Edge!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#4. "Timber!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#5. "Almost!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#6. "Kinda Close… For New Construction!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#7. "Remember When"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#8. "Wavy Deck! Imagine A Couple Of Cocktails"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#9. "All Right, Put Back The Other Half Of The House"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#10. "Mother-In-Law Door"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#11. "Kids, Please Grab The Oven Glove For Me"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#12. "Would Love To Chat With Who Came Second!!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#13. "Almost!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#14. "Children And Drunks Are On Their Own!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#15. "This Was Sent To Me From Masong187!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#16. "Interesting"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#17. "Another Room With A View!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#18. "Found The Cool House In The Neighborhood!"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#19. "Just A Cool Set Of Stairs"

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
#20. "Well, Hello Now!"
Image source: bostonhomeinspectors
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