20 Times People Tried To Use Microwave And Hilariously Failed
When it comes to microwaves, you may think about a device that helps you save a lot of time cooking. You just need to put your food inside, press some buttons and after a short time, your meal is ready to eat. That sounds way too convenient and using it seems to be pretty easy, right? Actually, this device sometimes can get you in trouble, even when you know how to use it properly. Just a tiny mistake can make your food (or something you try to microwave) turn to be a disaster.
In this post, we’ve collected some pics of the funniest microwave fails that people shared online. You will be amazed by what silly accidents people got while using ovens. From forgetting to put water into the cup of noodles to setting the microwave for 75 minutes instead of 75 seconds - all of the results are just hilarious. Let’s check!
#1. "This Is What Happens When You Microwave Mcdonalds Fries For 30 Minutes (Instead Of 30 Seconds)"
#2. "A Guest Put It In The Hotel Microwave To Give It “A Quick Charge.” Fire Alarm Followed"
#3. "My Submission For Dumbest Way To Injure Yourself: I Burnt My Hand Taking Tomato Soup Out Of The Microwave. The Toast I Was Making Popped Up And It Scared Me"
#4. "If You Were Wondering What Happens When You Put Foil In The Microwave"
#5. "So, Apparently You Shouldn’t Microwave Spaghetti Squash"
#6. "Brownie Out Of A Cup – Level: Hiroshima"
#7. "My Mom Set The Microwave For 75 Mins And Not 75 Secs"
#8. "Life Pro Tip: Even If Your Boiled Egg Is A Bit Underdone, Don’t Put It In The Microwave"
#9. "This Is What Happens When You Tell Your Kid To Make His Own Snack. So He Microwaves An Egg For 11 Minutes"
#10. "A Friend’s Client Paid Him In Cash. He Put The Cash In The Microwave To Kill Traces Of Coronavirus"
#11. "My Friend’s Husband Thought He Could Microwave His Shirt To Dry It Faster"
#12. "My Daughter Took It Upon Herself To Microwave Some Syrup For Her Waffles… For 5 Minutes"
#13. "I Have No Idea How This Happened. Cup Took Considerable Force To Get Back Down"
#14. "$5000 Canadian After Someone Using The Microwave To Disinfect It"
#15. "My Friend Opened Their Microwave And Couldn’t Figure Out What This Was. It Was A Forgotten Slice Of Pizza"
#16. "Goodbye Everyone. It’s Been Good Knowing You"
#17. "Yesterday This Guy Put Ghost Pepper Popcorn In Our Industrial Microwave At Work For Over 5 Minutes. The Office Was Filled With Black Smoke Burning People’s Eyes"
#18. "I Installed My Own Microwave Today And Saved $150 In Install Fees"
#19. "My Mom Microwaved Some Birdseed To Disinfect It Before Putting It In A Beanbag And Accidentally Made Tiny Popcorn"
#20. "He Forgot To Put Water In His Cup Of Noodles"
In this post, we’ve collected some pics of the funniest microwave fails that people shared online. You will be amazed by what silly accidents people got while using ovens. From forgetting to put water into the cup of noodles to setting the microwave for 75 minutes instead of 75 seconds - all of the results are just hilarious. Let’s check!
#1. "This Is What Happens When You Microwave Mcdonalds Fries For 30 Minutes (Instead Of 30 Seconds)"

Image source: hazasauras
#2. "A Guest Put It In The Hotel Microwave To Give It “A Quick Charge.” Fire Alarm Followed"

Image source: reddit.com
#3. "My Submission For Dumbest Way To Injure Yourself: I Burnt My Hand Taking Tomato Soup Out Of The Microwave. The Toast I Was Making Popped Up And It Scared Me"

Image source: missouriprincess
#4. "If You Were Wondering What Happens When You Put Foil In The Microwave"

Image source: thaconman
#5. "So, Apparently You Shouldn’t Microwave Spaghetti Squash"

Image source: oozabooza
#6. "Brownie Out Of A Cup – Level: Hiroshima"

Image source: hansworschd
#7. "My Mom Set The Microwave For 75 Mins And Not 75 Secs"

Image source: lifewontwait86
#8. "Life Pro Tip: Even If Your Boiled Egg Is A Bit Underdone, Don’t Put It In The Microwave"

Image source: UncleArthur
#9. "This Is What Happens When You Tell Your Kid To Make His Own Snack. So He Microwaves An Egg For 11 Minutes"

Image source: jybc2009
#10. "A Friend’s Client Paid Him In Cash. He Put The Cash In The Microwave To Kill Traces Of Coronavirus"

Image source: pepesilvia189
#11. "My Friend’s Husband Thought He Could Microwave His Shirt To Dry It Faster"

Image source: NotKay
#12. "My Daughter Took It Upon Herself To Microwave Some Syrup For Her Waffles… For 5 Minutes"

Image source: WestTinLA
#13. "I Have No Idea How This Happened. Cup Took Considerable Force To Get Back Down"

Image source: imgur.com
#14. "$5000 Canadian After Someone Using The Microwave To Disinfect It"

Image source: jdk
#15. "My Friend Opened Their Microwave And Couldn’t Figure Out What This Was. It Was A Forgotten Slice Of Pizza"

Image source: imgur.com
#16. "Goodbye Everyone. It’s Been Good Knowing You"

Image source: Hot_Karl_Rove
#17. "Yesterday This Guy Put Ghost Pepper Popcorn In Our Industrial Microwave At Work For Over 5 Minutes. The Office Was Filled With Black Smoke Burning People’s Eyes"

Image source: StereoShayn
#18. "I Installed My Own Microwave Today And Saved $150 In Install Fees"

Image source: zingusdingus
#19. "My Mom Microwaved Some Birdseed To Disinfect It Before Putting It In A Beanbag And Accidentally Made Tiny Popcorn"

Image source: xXBonerPrinceXx
#20. "He Forgot To Put Water In His Cup Of Noodles"

Image source: themagicpotato
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