30+ Stunning Photos Of Birds Will Give You A Close Look At The True Beauty Of Nature
There's no doubt that Belize is a paradise for birdwatchers. Providing an ideal environment for wild animals, Belize is now home to more than 590 bird species. Visitors can easily find a variety of birds such as Wading Birds, Agami Heron, Azure-crowned Hummingbird,... in Belize's sky. Even though you can see birds all year long, December to April is the best time to visit Belize. This is the time when the migrating birds are passing through and you will have more chances to meet different kinds of birds in the territory.
So if you haven’t traveled to Belize, give us the chance to show you the marvelous kingdom of flying creatures in Belize’s sky through the camera lens of Aurore Shirley, a skillful bird photographer.
So if you haven’t traveled to Belize, give us the chance to show you the marvelous kingdom of flying creatures in Belize’s sky through the camera lens of Aurore Shirley, a skillful bird photographer.
#1. Aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#2. Aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#3. Snowy Egret (Egretta Thula), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#4. Tropical Mockingbird (Mimus Gilvus), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#5. Northern Jacana (Jacana Spinosa), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#6. Keel-Billed Toucan (Ramphastos Sulfuratus), ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#7. Great Egret (Ardea Alba), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#8. Juvenile Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#9. Bare-Throated Tiger Heron (Tigrisoma Mexicanum), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#10. Immature Black-Crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax Nycticorax), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#11. Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (Nyctanassa Violacea), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#12. Wood Storks (Mycteria Americana), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#13. Green Heron (Butorides Virescens), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#14. Brown Pelican (Pelecanus Occidentalis), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#15. American White Ibis (Eudocimus Albus), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#16. Tricolored Heron (Egretta Tricolor), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#17. Great Kiskadee (Pitangus Sulphuratus), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#18. Tricolored Heron (Egretta Tricolor), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#19. Tricolored Heron (Egretta Tricolor), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#20. White Morph Great Blue Heron (A. H. Occidentalis), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#21. Little Blue Heron (Egretta Caerulea), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#22. Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus Obscurus), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#23. Fork-Tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus Savana), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#24. Orchard Oriole (Icterus Spurius), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#25. Turkey Vulture (Cathartes Aura), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#26. Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle Americana), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#27. Limpkin (Aramus Guarauna), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#28. Reddish Egret (Egretta Rufescens), Ambergris Caye, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#29. Black-Collard Hawk (Busarellus Nigricollis), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#30. Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
#31.Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias), Crooked Tree, ©aurore Shirley
Source: Aurore Shirley
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