30 People Who Tried So Hard To Look Tough, But Ended Up Being Laughed At
Nowadays, it's not hard to spot someone who tries to project an image of toughness. Especially, in the era of the Internet and social media, it's easier for them to present a false front and pose as someone they are not. However, the truth is always the truth. No matter how hard they try to hide it, there will be times when it exposes to the light. Like folks in the list below, they tried so hard to look tough but ended up being laughed at.
The “Do not mess with these tough people” subreddit is an online community dedicated to such type of content. About 1.3 million members there constantly share screenshots that capture the moments when people tried hard to look tough but failed. From exaggerated posturing to downright lying, this subreddit is truly a treasure trove of comedy. We have compiled a list of 30 of the funniest examples for you. Scroll down and enjoy.
The “Do not mess with these tough people” subreddit is an online community dedicated to such type of content. About 1.3 million members there constantly share screenshots that capture the moments when people tried hard to look tough but failed. From exaggerated posturing to downright lying, this subreddit is truly a treasure trove of comedy. We have compiled a list of 30 of the funniest examples for you. Scroll down and enjoy.
#1. I’m just glad someone else thought the exact same thing I did
Source: andrewzsantos
#2. Coffee badass
Source: ergoegthatis
#3. Sleep well dear citizens
Source: widellp
#4. On a Singles website... a real catch!
Source: dyawanna_dance
#5. Precisely why
Source: Warp_Legion
#6. A great addition to rock, paper, scissors
Source: bigolsigh
#7. He's in charge of the one they idolize
Source: Big_Dicc_Terry
#8. Ultra badass lone-wolf
Source: ArbiterOfNothing
#9. Im guessing everyone treated him like a god after that
Source: reddit.com
#10. Man thinks he’s Jason Bourne
Source: Kingkip875
#11. He is in a Roblox Discord Server
Source: Froward_Vibez
#12. Don’t mess with Dante or bad things will happen (thanks to Cringetopia)
Source: playmegadrive3
#13. This guy should be on the next flight to Ukraine
Source: SligPants
#14. Car burglar messed with the wrong witch
Source: Healthy_Sand9911
#15. What watching The Batman does to a mf
Source: segwaytoit
#16. Texts from someone I know who turned 39 yesterday… I was just trying to play DND with friends
Source: ErwinAckerman
#17. Alpha male right here
Source: dwaynepebblejohnson3
#18. Twitter user thinks he would be able to survive 2 nuclear blasts from "skill"
Source: nuclear_gaming123
#19. Response to a simple yes/no question
Source: ttjrz44
#20. Whoa.. Gear down Big Shifter
Source: shootermac32
#21. Deal with it
Source: Educational_Sir3783
#22. TikTok creator says that if you don’t have the unbridled desire to fight people you’re not a real man
Source: East-Ice-3564
#23. “Breakfast breeds arrogance and laziness”
Source: SadPosting-
#24. I present your King
Source: Existing-While5708
#25. Neighbor just put this up
Source: Nicksavagezzzzy
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