30 Parents Who Are Having A No-Good, Pretty Miserable Day
Parenting is a wonderful and rewarding task, but it can also sometimes be a downright sh!tshow. Because kids come into life without any education yet, their brains are just so pure and simple. As a result, there are many times kids do questionable and a little bit dumb things, which put them in situations that are so hilarious that parents can't hold back their laughs for a while.
Many moms and dads around the world are sharing the ups and downs of raising little daredevils. And these funny pictures prove that their days are even worse than yours. Scroll down to check them out. If you are a parent, you will definitely feel relatable. For more funny parenting pictures, check out 30 Times Parents Experienced A Really, Really Bad Day Thanks To Their Kids.
Many moms and dads around the world are sharing the ups and downs of raising little daredevils. And these funny pictures prove that their days are even worse than yours. Scroll down to check them out. If you are a parent, you will definitely feel relatable. For more funny parenting pictures, check out 30 Times Parents Experienced A Really, Really Bad Day Thanks To Their Kids.
#1. My daughter had my wife’s phone on a long car ride. She ordered all the Barbie dream houses from Amazon
Source: NinkovichPlease
#2. Not to brag, but my daughter has me ranked as the 11th best dad
Source: No-Relation2437
#3. My kid tried to use my finger while I was napping to sign him up for some stupid app
Source: thenewyorkgod
#4. Coworker’s kids left the van door open before a storm
Source: zeldadorf
#5. I found where my 3 year old twins have been hiding my loose change
Source: newsoundera
#6. Smurf Devourer. Son grabbed food dye off counter
Source: Core1989
#7. My glasses finally came in this morning. Paid $375 and decided to save $80 and not get insurance and my daughter got ahold of them 2 hours after arriving
Source: Bully2k__
#8. Kids gonna learn new words soon
Source: DizzyDrunkDude
#9. My friend’s kid got stuck in our cat tower
Source: punch_you
#10. Dr Caramelito in the multiverse of madness
Source: a_milky_way_pirate
#11. Turns out my daughter has a mosquito allergy but I fixed it
Source: arintj
#12. Been home for 3 weeks. Leave for 10 minutes and kids shoot two BB's through the window
Source: Sandeerrss
#13. Found my wife passed out face first while playing LEGO’s with my son. Parents are the real MVP’s
Source: BrightCanon
#14. I thought I lost $350 and then three months later I found it in my four year olds room
Source: Bigmacleafs14
#15. My daughter took me roller skating yesterday for Mother’s Day
Source: lateralus1075
#16. It was at exactly this moment that my son realized his mistake
Source: frisbm3
#17. Kids playing with fire hose during coast guard demo
Source: Energylegs23
#18. I was mowing the grass today and my wife texts me and says “I’m going to lay on the couch and maybe get a quick nap”. I came into to see my kids treating her like a bean bag chair
Source: Yosemite_Scott
#19. Graduating today from Temple University after 15 years working full-time and balancing my life. Got married, 2 daughters, built a house. Attempted to make graduation family photo
Source: northeastunion
#20. Came home to my 3 year old "fixing" my laptop
Source: PharmacistDude
#21. Valentine's day peti from my daughter! Bloody massacre!
Source: CmdrClit
#22. I thought I had put socks on my son this morning. Turns out they were gloves. My mother-in-law sent me this
Source: shedreamsofunicorns
#23. Two-year old daughter bathes daddy's laptop in soap and water because it's "too dirty"
Source: PeecockPrince
#24. My 10 year old nephew told his mom he doesn’t know how his phone broke. He just woke up and it was like that. A few days later she finds he posted this on YouTube
Source: SisteroftheMoon16
#25. My daughter has figured out how to change the picture on my watch, by using my phone. Oh and apparently she knows the password to my phone
Source: Greenman-of-England
#26. It makes 1 hour that they're looking for their car keys that their kid buried inside the sand
Source: Deimos_PRK
#27. My 8 year old is a jerk and almost made me burn my house down
Source: ElectricBOOTSxo
#28. Played with the stamp pad ink and now the ink is hard to remove
Source: dong_a_pen
#29. Throwback to when my daughter ate an entire tube of my lipstick
Source: jekoorb6789
#30. My son after trying to get back down from washing his hands. Just hanging there...helpless...
Source: fiteMILK
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