30 Funny Comics With Surprising Twists From The Webcomic "Cat Trigger"
Patrick Cheng is a webcomic artist and writer. He is the creator behind the hilarious comic series "Cat Trigger" which deals with random topics and issues in modern society. It's no exaggeration to say that the comic has everything in it: "humor, darkness, twists and turns, elements of randomness, an easy-going drawing style, and much, much more." Thanks to the versatility and diversity of themes, structures, and styles, his works are so distinct from other comics. While many artists are trying to find their own style, Patrick offered a collection of comics that fit many differing tastes. That is something not many comic artists can do.
In a recent interview, the man proudly says that he is "a professional artist, animator, and motion designer that's been working largely in tech and advertising for the last 15 years." He also adds: "I've always loved drawing comics since I was a kid, and comics have been the source of inspiration for my professional career. I love making people laugh, and comics have been a great way to do that."
A fun fact about the title "Cat Trigger" is that Patrick chose this name because he is allergic to cats, so he can't have them as pets. However, for a consolation prize, the artist drew this blue cat character, which became a "mascot" for him. Additionally, he calls it "Cat Trigger" as a combination of the cat mascot and "Trigger" to start something. That's how this name was born!
With diverse topics and styles, "Cat Trigger" will surely crack you up. Scroll down to enjoy the funniest comics from this webcomic!
#1 Fan theory
Source: cattrigger.comics
#2 I apologize for being so brave
Source: cattrigger.comics
#3 Sad but true which is why I read the manga instead
Source: cattrigger.comics
#4 Cringe is over. Let people enjoy things
Source: cattrigger.comics
#5 What has science done?
Source: cattrigger.comics
#6 Spongebob with glowing eyes!!
Source: cattrigger.comics
#7 If you dance like this, you are too powerful. That's why we banned you from the dance floor. What other dances do you do?
Source: cattrigger.comics
#8 No escape
Source: cattrigger.comics
#9 Woah dude no! I think its too late for her
Source: cattrigger.comics
#10 Don't you hate when this happens?
Source: cattrigger.comics
#11 They must never know
Source: cattrigger.comics
#12 Never have I experienced such villainy and monstrosity
Source: cattrigger.comics
#13 It's the Devil!
Source: cattrigger.comics
#14 I mean, let's be honest. I've seen a lot of people like you. l, barely any like the other girl
Source: cattrigger.comics
#15 I get hives whenever I see Minions on the internet now
Source: cattrigger.comics
#16 More who’s your daddy
Source: cattrigger.comics
#17 That took me a second
Source: cattrigger.comics
#18 Critical thinking. This stuff is needed
Source: cattrigger.comics
#19 Clippy rises from the dead...
Source: cattrigger.comics
#20 Influencers trying to own a business
Source: cattrigger.comics
#21 Something I struggle with all the time
Source: cattrigger.comics
#22 How to win an argument on the internet
Source: cattrigger.comics
#23 Back in your days, it sucked
Source: cattrigger.comics
#24 Whose... ?
Source: cattrigger.comics
#25 God school 101
Source: cattrigger.comics
#26 Hey you uh... spilled your coffee
Source: cattrigger.comics
#27 Cheers
Source: cattrigger.comics
#28 Accurate
Source: cattrigger.comics
#29 I sense she may be into frogs herself
Source: cattrigger.comics
#30 Who's your daddy explained
Source: cattrigger.comics