30+ Cute Hats and Wigs Crafted from Cats' Shed Fur Made By Japanese Couple
Cats can be a real fur-making machine, right? Their hair gets everywhere—on your couch, bed, and even floating around. We all love our furry pals, but dealing with their shed hair can be a real chore. But guess what? There are those who can be super creative, and they can turn this furry mess into art. Meet Rojiman and Umatan, a cool Japanese couple who make tiny, cute hats from the fur their cats, Nya, Maru, and Mugi, naturally lose.

These talented artists began their creative journey after Umatan collected the stray hairs from their cat's brush and piled them up. Curiously, she decided to place this hairpile atop the cat's head, and the feline responded with a remarkably clear expression. Umatan thought, "What if I make these hair piles look like hats?" She pressed and rubbed the hairs with her hands, and they hardened like felt, making it easier to shape them into little hats. That's how they crafted their first hat, the Acorn Hat. But their creativity didn't stop at hats; they expanded to wigs, animal ears, crowns, helmets, and other charming headpieces. Umatan designs these charming accessories, while Rojiman captures their cats showing them off. Check out some of their finest creations below!
































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