20 Times Elderly People Hilariously Failed At Using Technology
Young people sometimes may think that modern technology and old people is a not-very-good combination. It seems to be true since the elders tend to have many problems with their technological equipment. Especially in the internet age, when your dear parents and grandparents decide to use computers or smartphones, it becomes more challenging for them not to fail using these up-to-date tools.
Some elderly people struggle to keep up with technology, and the result is that we spot many hilarious and cute fails. We’ve piled up some of the funniest examples in the collection below. Check them out to get fun, and see if your beloved elders have ever done something like that.

Some elderly people struggle to keep up with technology, and the result is that we spot many hilarious and cute fails. We’ve piled up some of the funniest examples in the collection below. Check them out to get fun, and see if your beloved elders have ever done something like that.
#1. "My 90 Year Old Grandma From Japan, Showing Us How She Zooms In With An Iphone"

Image source: Japanman195
#2. "Friend's Grandma Just Asked Whose Phone This Is"

Image source: turkeysandwiches
#3. "My Mother Made A Facebook Account And This Was Her First Message To Me"

Image source: Safferso
#4. "My Uncle Using His Flashlight To Brighten Up My Dads iPad Screen"

Image source: brisk911
#5. "When Mom Uses Technology"

Image source: salientKill
#6. "My Grandma Called Me Over To Fix Her Computer Because "Everything Moves Backwards""

Image source: buttholytrinity
#7. "My Grandma Took Her First Selfie Today. She's Using The Front Camera To Take A Mirror Selfie"

Image source: reddit.com
#8. "Me: "Grandma, I'd Like To Take A Picture Of Us". Activate Front-Facing Camera. Grandma: "Oh That's A Very Nice Picture, When Is That From?" Me: "That's Us Right Now""

Image source: KONTRON613
#9. "My Dad Doesn't Know How To Turn Off This Front Camera Heart Feature On His Phone And He Tried To Send Me A Pic Of His New Stove"

Image source: ZDaetwiler
#10. "So Today My Nana Showed Me Some Of Her Favorite Websites"

Image source: braverthanbrave
#11. "Mom Asked Why The Computer Was So Slow. She Has Eleven Toolbars"

Image source: iusedtobealurker
#12. "Here Is My Favorite Picture Of My Grandma. She Was Having A Hard Time With The Mixer"

Image source: Bungalowbeast
#13. "My Girlfriend's Grandma Thought The Ipad Was A Cutting Board"

Image source: IonnaTrailer
#14. "Dad Gets A New Phone For Xmas, Struggles With Voice Text"

Image source: brodeurgirl526
#15. "My Nana Asked Me To Fix Her Phone Because "The Outside Clock Is Always Showing The Wrong Time""

Image source: ImRachaelGreep
#16. "My Dad Likes Reading So I Got Him A Kindle For His Birthday. He's Using It As A Bookmark"

Image source: repliers_beware
#17. "When Grandma Can't Hear You On The Phone"

Image source: OuweBoef
#18. "Just Got My Grandma Her First Cordless Phone. Baby Steps"

Image source: whoisthismilfhere
#19. "My Grandmother Complained Her Remote Was Confusing, So I Grandma-Ified It For Her"

Image source: JoKer730
#20. "My Grandma Got A New Phone, My Dad Receives This"

Image source: rooflan
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