
21 Stupidly Hilarious Interior Design Failures To Make You Burst Out Laughing

Sometimes you think that designing something for your house is not a big deal and you can do it all by yourself. You want to have a unique work that doesn’t exist anywhere in the world, and you end up creating an interior disaster. But that’s okay because even interior designers who have one job can make some horrible bathrooms, stairs, or kitchens. No one can imagine how they come up with such silly ideas and actually make them a reality.
Today, we’re sharing 21 stupid interior design fails that are so hilarious. From someone’s house, modest guesthouses to luxury hotels, you can catch disastrous interiors that make you wonder “why?”. At the same time, these ridiculous things can make you split your sides. Let’s check them out!

#1. "My uncle's house got a bathroom without a door, literally the first thing you see when you enter the house"

Image source: muurilin

#2. "Crappy design... literally"

Image source: iam4real

#3. "Up the drain it goes"

Image source: Winsthorne

#4. "Noice"

Image source: NaCl_Ye

#5. "My friend's under-the-stairs "bathroom" where the toilet is diagonal and partially installed into the carpeted wall"

Image source: dbqbbq

#6. "All it needs is a jukebox and a soda fountain"

Image source: Czechs_out

#7. "I almost fell down and rolled my ankle on this"

Image source: I_am_lazy_15

#8. "Imagine the scrubber you'd need for that bad boy"

Image source: IdahoePotatoe

#9. "Can't stop thinking about this sink"

Image source: aprilcotz

#10. "Middle class fridge. Lower class aesthetic"

Image source: AcousticHigh

#11. In the highest position

Image source: Unknown

#12. "My parents have a bathroom with carpet that goes up the bathtub walls. Bonus points for the terrible wallpaper"

Image source: jbird2525

#13. "Imagine trying to piss while drunk"

Image source: Goodnight_Knight

#14. "This single square inch of raise carpet complete with lining"

Image source: fourskincheeze

#15. "Who says crown molding is overdone?"

Image source: buckleybuilds

#16. "Today my mom hit her toe with this and was bleeding. I hate this kitchen so much"

Image source: reemathenerd2

#17. "These stairs leading to a bedroom loft"

Image source: ilike_cutetoes

#18. "I think my stairs fit here"

Image source: IsItKandar

#19. "Steps that you can't see"

Image source: Paarnahkrin

#20. "Yup, the fridge fit boss"

Image source: waconcept

#21. "My friend just finished a kitchen remodel"

Image source: SirCadwaladr

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