
28 Hilarious Fails That Make You Say "English, Motherf***er, Do You Speak It!?!

Although English has become somewhat of a global language, there are still many people in many countries who don’t know anything about it. And that is perfectly okay! You don’t really need to learn a foreign language to express yourself to the world, especially when there is a lot of translation software available these days. Plus, even people who were born and raised using English in everyday life can still make the stupidest mistakes when it comes to speaking it. So, if you ever make a mistake, don't worry. Learn from it and move on.
To shed even more positive light on this matter, Emily has scoured the internet and compiled some of the funniest English mistakes that you've seen. From beginner learner "lost in translation" type of mistakes to native speaker brain-fart moments, the list below has them all. So, let's sit back, relax, and get ready to have a laugh or two with these hilarious fails. Enjoy!

#1. For what?

Hilarious FailsSource: aildeokl

#2. Yum.

Hilarious FailsSource: RPA12345

#3. LMAO

Hilarious FailsSource: Unknown/Pinterest

#4. "Unlike Earth, Mars has been observed to be round."

Hilarious FailsSource: trustfallaccident

#5. What??

Hilarious FailsSource: thechive

#6. Huh?

Hilarious FailsSource: Unknown/Tiktok

#7. A-men!

Source: Rhino_Squatch

#8. Ka-boom!

Hilarious FailsSource: Unknown


Source: jiwoeunn

#10. Hmm...

Hilarious FailsSource: thechive

#11. How is that mean excited?

Source: buzzfeed

#12. But I never learned how to mwim...

Hilarious FailsSource: Unknown/Reddit

#13. My thoughts exactly.

Hilarious FailsSource: DacianFalx

#14. No, I speak the United Kingdom.

Hilarious FailsSource: Unknown/Imgur

#15. A simple question.

Hilarious FailsSource: AD2008

#16. I hope this was copied and pasted.

Hilarious FailsSource: MY_NAME_IS_JET

#17. Fork wortor.

Hilarious FailsSource: Fantastic_Mr-Fox_

#18. Choose your fighter.

Hilarious FailsSource: SystemOfaPawn

#19. Do you are have stupid?

Hilarious FailsSource: Plus4lex44Plus

#20. "It’s like a fireman came in your mouth!"

Hilarious FailsSource: Joshdawson9999

#21. Me too broken coffee machine, me too...

Source: chowderpouch

#22. Sharp and durable.

Hilarious FailsSource: GrannyReckless

#23. No.

Source: AstralLizardon

#24. Congration

Hilarious FailsSource: svenguillotien

#25. "Ironic that this question is in an English test at my school."


#26. Who lives in a pineapple undere the kuee?

Hilarious FailsSource: _NeonLines

#27. Why

Hilarious FailsSource: BossRaeg

#28. Satan? Satan? Santa. They’re the same letters….they’re the same guy!

Source: ClinicalIllusionist

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