25 Pictures That Prove Kids Live In Another Different World With Its Own Rules
Kids are innocent and always curious about everything in life. Therefore, they tend to try and explore something new to them. Take the kid in the list below, for example. When his laptop went out of battery, instead of using chargers like us - adults, he used apples to charge it. We don't know why he could come up with that ideas, but what he did are just so funny. There are many children who were caught red-handed doing weird things like that little boy. And we decided to share those amusing moments with you.
We have collected 25 pictures that prove kids live in another different world with its own rules. If you are a parent, you will feel all of these pictures are relatable. Without further ado, scroll down to check them out and enjoy yourself. Don't forget to vote for your favorite ones. Also, if you have captured any funny photos of your kids doing questionable things, please share them with us in the comment section below.
We have collected 25 pictures that prove kids live in another different world with its own rules. If you are a parent, you will feel all of these pictures are relatable. Without further ado, scroll down to check them out and enjoy yourself. Don't forget to vote for your favorite ones. Also, if you have captured any funny photos of your kids doing questionable things, please share them with us in the comment section below.
#1. Best way to watch
Source: sh*t_on_reddit
#2. My sister likes to snack on edamame at school. This is how she packs her salt
Source: colipro
#3. Younger sisters friend tried to open my bottle of wine last night. I just found it like this. Completely ruined
Source: Sexyshark15
#4. Best place to put the Switch to charge?
Source: future_lard
#5. Maybe not the best strategy
Source: SundayRay
#6. Paper clips are hard
Source: iamthevash
#7. The way my brother likes to watch YouTube
Source: Sad_Fly834
#8. How my brother went to sleep last night
Source: majattack
#9. Best guess spelling fail. She meant NINJA
Source: Jess_0615
#10. Apparently, my child thinks an apple will charge his tablet
Source: Cake-Free
#11. She asked me to hide her dolls. She didn't specify where but thinks I hid them in the sandbox. She's dumping out all of her sand. They're hiding in the doll house
Source: BaldieGoose
#12. Help!! My son may be a psychopath. This is him eating a banana
Source: Br0DudeGuy
#13. The ball isn’t even trying its best to hide
Source: IrfanMirza
#14. My son had a friend over last night (we are in Australia we are allowed to) and they thought it was a good idea to hang their toys
Source: one_derpy_raider
#15. Kid doesn't like apples but eats them if they are like McDonald's fries. (I got this from Twitter)
Source: ElitePatheticReddit
#16. My son found a piece of brick outside and put it in a Ziploc bag for safe keeping and brought it inside
Source: PhnxDarkDirk
#17. Best way to use a laptop!
Source: GotBb
#18. Every night, my daughter would refuse to wear her night diaper with the sleeping cat, unless I "wake it up"
Source: 0rAX0
#19. My little brother eats dinner in front of a picture of himself every night
Source: beelzebailey
#20. Despite having a comfortable bed to sleep on, he decided the uncomfortable box would be best
Source: Shearthly
#21. I got stuck in a stool in seventh grade
Source: Greenoiltheft
#22. She insisted on a bandaid after bumping her head. Best I could do.
Source: evolvedtwig
#23. He thought he was putting sugar on his pumpkin pie. It was salt. He still ate all of his pie
Source: ShadyDingo
#24. My 4 year old’s work of art
Source: decyphier_
#25. This is how my 13 year old nephew does his homework
Source: Breezie1213
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