23 Super Weird Dresses That'll Make You Ask, "What Were They Thinking"
We have compiled a list of 23 of the most bizarre dresses from this group. Take a minute to scroll down and check them out for yourself right now. You'll understand why this group was named "You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress". Have you ever spotted any dresses that are super weird? Share with us in the comment section below.
#1. Hakuna Matata
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#2. Hmm
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#3. Why?
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#4. Saw This Dresss On A Wedding Photographers Page And Knew I Had To Share With Y’all
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#5. Seen Today At Tjmaxx And I Feel Like It’s The Definition Of What This Group Was Created For
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#6. Absolutely Fell In Love Omg Stunn-Ing She Really Knows What She’s Doing, No But Really My Extra Ass Loves The Crown The Dress Tho Is Uhhh Different
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#7. I Finally Found Something To Post On Here
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#8. Don’t Worry Ladies, You Too Can Look Like A Figureless Polka Dot Worm For The Low Price Of $2,790!
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#9. Pizza Dress
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#10. Hmmm
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#11. Hmmm
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#12. Mermaid Lookin' Dress
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#13. Not Beyoncé Wearing Capri Sun Straws
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#14. It’s as if Valentino is trying to be featured in this group
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#15. I Always Wanted To Look Like A Hamburger
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#16. Trying to find a summer black dress for a funeral and this was in the top ten… SOS
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#17. Please Make Them Stop
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#18. Ummm A Scuba Diving Dress? My Questions Are Why, For Who And Why Is It Almost $5,000
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#19. Looking For Summer Street Style For A Client I’m Photographing And I Find This Monstrosity
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#20. Schiaparelli SS23
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#21. Prom Dress
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#22. I Don’t Understand “Fashion” These Days
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress
#23. When You Haven't Done Laundry So You Just Wear Something You Found Stuffed Way Back Under Your Bed
Source: You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress