22 Unforgettable Tales: Cats Who Entered Homes and Never Wanted to Leave
Choosing a cat is often a matter of fate. Sometimes we think we are selecting them, but in reality, they are the ones who choose us. Regardless of how much we may adore a cat, if they don't approve of us, our chances of winning them over are slim. They may hiss, scratch, and even bite to express their feelings towards a particular human. Getting to know a cat can be a challenging endeavor. They are like an open book and a complicated puzzle all at once, seemingly impossible to decipher.
Nevertheless, there are moments when a cat's guard comes down, allowing us to get close to them. Whether we like it or not, they begin visiting our home, sitting on our furniture, our clothing, and even our laps. It is during these moments that we realize we have been chosen. The cat has found its home, and we are the fortunate ones. In this collection, we have gathered 22 stories of cats who entered homes and never left. Scroll down and delight in these captivating tales of feline companionship.
Source: vviktor424
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: NedotrogaLi
Source: AlekseyMB
Source: Catvkpikabu
Source: Tullma
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: @gatitos_qctd
Source: pikabu
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: jumbo05
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: Mymotivation
Source: Catvkpikabu
Source: u/AllHanceOnDeck
Source: pikabu
Source: My house, not my cat
Source: axegrin
Nevertheless, there are moments when a cat's guard comes down, allowing us to get close to them. Whether we like it or not, they begin visiting our home, sitting on our furniture, our clothing, and even our laps. It is during these moments that we realize we have been chosen. The cat has found its home, and we are the fortunate ones. In this collection, we have gathered 22 stories of cats who entered homes and never left. Scroll down and delight in these captivating tales of feline companionship.
#1. “2 months later as I picked it up from the street, I can’t understand why no one wanted this big ball of love”

#2. “My house, not my kitty. I came home and my kids got a kitten apparently. My 3 cats and dog aren’t too happy.”

#3. ‘Hooman, I choose you.’

#4. “I found this miracle on the street a year ago. The street cat brought it to my feet and left. That’s what has grown. The cat needed a house, the cat got it.”

#5. “I did not pay attention to the cat that sits in the entrance near the entrance to the basement. But yesterday I decided to call, a miracle comes running, purrs, fidgets. I tell her: “Shall we go home?” and I walk up the stairs, she follows me”

#6. “I got a cat like that in September 2006. first floor, a window is open. at 3 o’clock at night I heard greaves on the glass, got up and there the cat got up, I sat with him on a chair in the kitchen, smoked and carried it outside, and the next evening the

#7. “My cat asked me to tell about him too …))) This will be a long post with photos and a story about how we found the cat, lost and found it again. “

#8. “Was making coffee and heard a strange sound coming from outside. Opened the curtains to find this ginger clinging to my screen crying to be let in. My apartment, not my catEdit: How could I resist?! Of course I let him in”

#9. “Last month my cat disappeared. A week ago I found him and brought him home. Today my cat came back. Now I have two identical cats.” -Stanislav Zak

#10. “I clicked my tongue at the familiar lying yard dog, but a cat jumped out of the trash can with a loud purr.”

#11. “Once again, my house, my husband, not my cat! Somehow I think Percy has adopted us! He fell off to sleep that way but he did go home before midnight, bless him!!!”

#12. “My house, not my cat. I’m puzzled.”

#13. “How I found the cat”

#14. “My house, not my cat! She silently followed me through the front door, then jumped on the sofa. Took me by complete surprise. No collar, so I decided to call her Miss Pring, as she made the loudest “prrringg” noise to get my attention!”

#15. “My house, not my cat(yet).”

#16. “Our house, not our cat, but we just had to keep him”

#17. “About the cat Taranka, who chose the owners”

#18. “Also black and also came by himself! Shouted under the windows, I had to leave. As soon as he saw me, he climbed into his arms. I was scared that with sores .. threw it … ran home. A minute later the cat was yelling at the door. Meet Chernyshevsky!”

#19. “Taken from my parents’ kitchen window. They don’t have any cats…”

#20. “How I got a cat or coincidence.”

#21. “Our bed, not our cat.”

#22. “How the cat chose a person”

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