
21 Times When Nature Just Left Us Speechless

There are many times mother nature gets us to go from surprise to surprise with stunning yet funny species. In this article, we will show you 21 pictures of animals and plants. From flowers that resemble swaddled babies to animals doing funny things, they are so interesting that none of you want to put your phone down. So if you want a dose of vitamin 'smile', scroll down to check them out and enjoy a fabulous laugh with us. We are sure that you will roll on the floor laughing.
Don't forget to vote for your favorite pictures. And share these funny photos with your friends and family members to give them a good laugh too. If this list is not enough to boost you up, check out 10+ Times Mother Nature Needed To Be Censored For Letting Our Imagination Run Wild.

#1. The Majesty Oak tree in Fredville Park, UK seems wise to the ways of the world

Source: Molly107

#2. The Anguloa Uniflora is a species of orchid which has flowers that resemble swaddled babies

Source: Mass1m01973

#3. White Egret Orchid, named for its beautiful flowers which resemble a white egret in flight

Source: younever

#4. That bird definitely egrets standing there...

Source: copitamenstrual

#5. Theridion grallator, also known as the Hawaiian happy-face spider, has a pattern resembling a smiley face or a grinning clown face on their yellow body

Source: Mass1m01973

#6. Wood ear fungus so named for its striking semblance to a human ear

Source: Bunnystrawbery

#7. Rhodotus Palmatus fungi resembling brains

Source: HellsJuggernaut

#8. This Golden Langur has eerily human eyes

Source: Le_Rat_Mort

#9. Root that looks like human heart

Source: Jschneeky

#10. This human faced bug looks like a greaser

Source: sephirothreturns

#11. A natural rock formation, resembling a horse head

Source: unknown / reddit

#12. The seed pods to a poinsettia flower

Source: Bunnystrawbery

#13. This frog has learnt human gestures

Source: VeTech16

#14. Surfing

Source: copitamenstrual

#15. When the abyss stares back - found at Ponca State Park in Nebraska by someone with an eye for ponds

Source: daringlyStretch

#16. This is what a flying fish looks like up close

Source: GoldenChinchilla

#17. This is the Hooker's lips flower found in the rain forests of Central and South America. On blooming, looks like human lips. This bright color helps it to attract insects for pollination

Source: Luciphyr729

#18. “FungEye”. Natures Expression of Human Body Parts

Source: Trick-Milk

#19. Sweet potato that looks like a human heart

Source: EyeVee4

#20. The Bleeding Heart flower (Lamprocapnos spectabilis). Although aesthetically pleasing, this flower is toxic to animals and humans

Source: byParallax

#21. Why do you look away??

Source: copitamenstrual

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