20 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up The Struggles Of Introverts
It must be tough to be an introvert in a world where sociability is highly valued. An unbearable amount of group projects, too many weekend plans, annual family gatherings, video calls for work, and so on. All of those things that excite and energize extroverts can freak the heck out of introverted people. If you see yourself as an introvert, you know the struggle is real. But don't worry, Twitter has your back. Someone created this account Introvert Problems to share hilarious and relatable tweets that perfectly sum up the struggles of introverts.
We've rounded up 20 spot-on tweets that capture what it’s like to be an introvert in this society. Scroll down to see if they are true for you. Check out our previous article for more introvert content!
#1. You can call me all day but I won’t answer. If it’s important leave a text message
Source: IntrovertProbss
#2. Yea. Working my way home to do nothing asap
Source: IntrovertProbss
#3. Thanks, I'm comfortable with myself and don't need to fill the silence.
Source: IntrovertProbss
#4. Especially at 4am
Source: IntrovertProbss
#5. More like … “Shit…it’s been two weeks. That friendship is over."
Source: IntrovertProbss
#6. That’s weird!
Source: IntrovertProbss
#7. Once a month is quite enough!
Source: IntrovertProbss
#8. Most of the time introverts are made to feel as unwanted as a cookies banner
Source: IntrovertProbss
#9. Can we please normalise that quiet does not equal rude. Thanks!
Source: IntrovertProbss
#10. We just need a society that accepts us as we are…
Source: IntrovertProbss
#11. Imagine the joy of being told your ‘grounded’ as an adult!
Source: IntrovertProbss
#12. Better still I just say no a lot more often
Source: IntrovertProbss
#13. Happened plenty
Source: IntrovertProbss
#14. Spend more time talking to the voice in my head than anyone else
Source: IntrovertProbss
#15. Always have a plan B. You can never rely on your extrovert friends to cancel plans.
Source: IntrovertProbss
#16. Introvert dating needs to be introduced.
Source: IntrovertProbss
#17. Couldn't agree more
Source: IntrovertProbss
#18. Should reply 'Cus the convos I'm having inside my head, way better than the ones with you.'
Source: IntrovertProbss
#19. And never park where you can get boxed in.
Source: IntrovertProbss
#20. Oh sh*t! That's not acceptable?
Source: IntrovertProbss
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