
20 Times Stupid People Trying To Be Creative

Too much is not good. That rule applies to almost everything in this world, including creativity. Sometimes when people get way too creative, they end up making a fool of themselves.  Especially when they are in situations where they must come up with really quick solutions. Or sometimes, people are just too confident about their improvising skills. Stupidity together with creativity, such a good combination. It offers the best medicine, which is laughter, so why not take a look?
We scoured the Internet and found 20 stupid people trying to be creative but ended up putting shame on themselves. Scroll down to check them out!

#1. Making the cone a comfortable chair

Source: onikishov

#2. Hotdog pudding

Source: sowydso

#3. Creative way to serve ice cream, not sure if it's a smart thing to do

Source: instagram

#4. This is why women live longer than men...

Source: IvanTheCyka

#5. Just washing the carrots before eating them

Source: RzhakaRzhaka

#6. Want to swing a bit?

Source: Creative Ideas

#7. When it's hot but the shop is on a tight budget

Source: alsobrante

#8. Breaking the law has never been this ingenious

Source: reddit

#9. Pizza was invented for creativity

Source: TheSANEG

#10. Good way to carry a jug back from the store

Source: hjsdfhogj

#11. The person who put this mannequin together in an aggressive position

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: Saitozero00

#12. We’re not tire experts, but this does not seem safe.

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: rickyr777

#13. "My spoon is too big"

Source: Thejohnnyfive

#14. It's not stupid if it works

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: NotReallyARealName

#15. "Genius. I'm sure he had just watched Dead Alive by Peter Jackson."

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: BeerFighters

#16. This pierced toenail will make anyone feel uneasy

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: RetailArchaeology

#17. We hate the way you decided to use the Internet

Source: elpee47

#18. That's not how you play trash metal.

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: vtsw

#19. When you were forced to design a bench and you don’t want anyone to sit on it

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: RayistaNachoPls

#20. "This is how my wife decided to unpack her new cable"

Stupid People Trying To Be CreativeSource: ThavinceGene

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