20 Most Stunning Pictures Of Sleeping Dachshunds
Is there anyone in this room who enjoys "Toy Story," one of Pixar's most well-known animated films? If you are, you are probably familiar with "Slinky," our brave cowboy's best friend. But did you know that this adorable dog toy was inspired by a real-life breed? If you're wondering what kind of dog we're talking about, it's a breed called Dachshund, which is extremely adorable and goes by many different names, including wiener dog, badger dog, doxie, and sausage dog.
These little dogs have captured the hearts of people everywhere. Just look at their long bodies and short legs; they are so adorable that their owners can't help but post numerous pictures of them online. Following this, you'll find 15 heartwarming images of sleeping Dachshunds.
Source: u/DivineLunchMonkey
Source: u/HappyJacket3113
Source: u/psycot
Source: u/OkFearless247
Source: u/heiheioliyoutiao
Source: u/ridetheboom
Source: u/SpongecakeAndSpoon
Source: Natalie Bailey
Source: u/BewareTheGiant
Source: Briannananana
Source: Sarah Frampton-Morgan
Source: u/brolbo
Source: u/TypicalBlossom97
Source: u/MentaCR
Source: u/ExpressSofaBread880
Source: u/callison87
Source: Beth Carter
Source: James Williams
Source: u/Flight_gal
Source: u/jorogumox
These little dogs have captured the hearts of people everywhere. Just look at their long bodies and short legs; they are so adorable that their owners can't help but post numerous pictures of them online. Following this, you'll find 15 heartwarming images of sleeping Dachshunds.
#1. My friend's new purebred female dachshund. Name suggestions? Prefer old-fashioned names. Thanks.

#2. These 8 rescued Dachshunds ready for bed.

#3. How this Dachshund grabs the window of opportunity!

#4. First dachshund puppy came home last night! Any puppy tips welcomed!

#5. Introduced my mini dachshund to a snuffle mat this afternoon. Had her sniffing for treats for 15 minutes and we left the house. After she was done, she took a 2 hour nap with no barks while we were gone???? Huge achievement for me!

#6. Eat, sleep, grow, repeat

#7. What about tiny baby sleeping weenies?

#8. If he can’t sleep on my lap, this is how he sleeps. Anyone else’s baby have a favourite toy/teddy?

#9. Thought you’d appreciate my babies sleeping.

#10. A baby Poppy sleeping on her snuffle mat.

#11. Rikki loves to sleep.

#12. Please let me sleep a little longer!

#13. My sleeping beauty.

#14. Anybody else’s wiener dog sleep like this?

#15. My 12-week old and 16 year-old dachshund sleeping together.

#16. New to the Dachshund world. Is this all they do? Sleep and cuddle? Lol.

#17. Meet our little girl Penelope. She is the sweetest little puppy. We are so in love with her.

#18. Sleep, sleep, sleep and more sleep.

#19. Who else’s ween loves to sleep face to face? I don’t have the heart to move her. I’d rather have a sore neck.

#20. Sleeping Angels.

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