
20 Most Intelligent Animals On Earth Will Give You A Big Surprise

The animal kingdom is so diverse and mysterious with a massive amount of different species. Nowadays, thanks to modern devices' appearance, humans can explore more fascinating facts about animals. And it’s a big wow to know that some animals are incredibly smart. They can do so many wonderful things and the more you know about their ability, the more you’re surprised.
So, if you’re curious about the identity of these amazing animals, don’t worry, you’re going to meet the 20 most intelligent animals in the world through this article.

#1. Domestic Cat

Source: RedCrowe

Can you believe that the intelligence of a domestic cat can be equal to that of a 2-year-old kid?

#2. Elephant

Source: guillaume_1995

Elephants are well known for their excellent memory and ability to display human-like emotions.

#3. Crow

Source: Shalva Mamistvalov

Crows are known to be able to use tools, solve complex problems, and are very good at communicating. It’s said that they can also remember the faces of their wrongdoers. How amazing!

#4. Octopus

Source: AskEric

Despite the alien look, octopuses are incredibly intelligent. Just like mammals, they’re able to solve complex problems.

#5. Raccoon

Source: Loki Odinsson

Raccoons rank as high as monkeys on the intelligence chart. Maybe that's why, no matter the lock you put on your bins, they always find a way to get to the good stuff.

#6. Lions

Source: Safari Partners

Although we're used to thinking of them as the kings of the jungle because of their impressive looks, they are actually so because of their intelligence! One of the clearest signs to determine intelligence is the ability to learn by observing, and that's what lions do.

#7. Orca

Source: Royal Winchester

Orcas are known for having the second-biggest brains among all marine animals. They have a definite sense of self and display various behaviors linked to intelligence.

#8. African Grey Parrot

Source: Alex Tablada

Look at this guy. He’s capable of solving several cognitive tasks at levels of five-year-old humans!

#9. Gorilla

Source: Safari Partners

Gorillas share 98.3% of their DNA with humans, making them our closest cousins after chimpanzees and bonobos. Hence, there’s no doubt about the great IQ of this animal.

#10. Sperm Whale

Source: Alexander Safonov

They’re one of the very few animals who can recognize themselves. Sperm whales are capable of solving problems, and they can even find people who are lost at sea or pinpoint underwater landmines!

#11. Otters

Source: postcardcv

Otters are always famous for their lovely-looking, but they’re also pretty smart. Some studies show that otters might be just as smart as dolphins!

#12. Sea Lion

Source: Eric Price

Sea lions, also known as water puppies, exceed at learning new things and have excellent short-term memory.

#13. Bottlenose Dolphin

Source: edward humphreys

We all know that dolphins are intelligent. These dolphins have complex communication systems and they can even give 'names' to each other.

#14. Giant Oceanic Manta Ray

Source: Elias Levy

Manta rays have the largest brain-to-body mass ratio of any cold-blooded fish. Studies have shown that manta rays may be able to recognize themselves in a mirror, which is an ability reserved only for brilliant animals.

#15. Honey Bee

Source: Cian Fenton

Despite their tiny size, honey bees are complex animals. They can count, recognize human faces, learn tools used, and understand abstract concepts.

#16. Giraffe

Source: Dave Stokes

One of the most significant signs of intelligence is their ability to adapt to changes in external stimuli in a very timely manner. Some scientists even say that giraffes are just as wise as elephants!

#17. African Hunting Dog

Source: petercooper131

These canines show high levels of intelligence and show behaviors that support the health of the whole pack, instead of just one individual.

#18. Pigeon

Source: Evgeny

They’re brilliant birds since they’re one of a few species that can recognize themselves.

#19. Ant

Source: Juv1

Individual ants have tiny little brains, but once together in a colony, the form mass can exhibit remarkable intelligence. When working as a team, ants can navigate long distances, find food, communicate, care for their young, and avoid predators.

#20. Orangutan

Source: Michael Gwyther-Jones

A recent study shows that orangutans are better at making various tools than human kids, three to four-year-olds, to be exact, because that is how smart orangutans are compared to humans.
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