  Table of content    
  1. Did this as an experiment. Not sure how I feel about it
  2. Crystal basketball chandelier
  3. This toilet seat.
  4. Teeth Mechanical Keyboard
  5. Creepy snack food nick-nacks
  6. Wicker basket toilet
  7. Honey, don’t forget your Jandals
  8. Hope you like it when your legs dangle
  9. These picnic tables with swings for seats…
  10. This chair is made of wood
  11. This cup could've been so much better if the handle was utilised for the elephant's trunk.. Instead we got this weird design with the super awkward baby trunk.
  12. Moss chairs for some reason
  13. What was the point of this again!
  14. My friends shoes blend in with the rocks
  15. A new kind of accessories
  16. Just one question: what for?
  17. To stand out from the crowd. Even if it's for the earrings
  18. Cute toes
  19. Alien: Covenant remake
  20. Got a new shower curtain. Girlfriend went to the bathroom and screamed loud enough to have the neighbors knock on my door.

20 Designers Who Prioritized Creativity But Wrecked Comfort And Taste

We know how important design is. Today, in the era of the supremacy of the image, it is more than clear that everything enters through the eyes. That is why every day designers surprise us with their works. Many of them win prizes for creativity and innovation, but there are also others. Yes. Now that the desire is to compete and grab the attention, there are those who do everything to achieve it, even though that often means sacrificing good taste. Here we bring you a little bit of everything. Judge for yourself which group these images belong to.

We hope you never have to feel embarrassed by some silly or poorly executed ideas. But if it suddenly happened to you, check out this selection of controversial designer solutions and relax: you're not the only one! What is the most elaborate design you have come across lately? Do you have any weird objects in your house? Show us!


#1. Did this as an experiment. Not sure how I feel about it

Alt text 1 Source: tiedye42

#2. Crystal basketball chandelier

Alt text 2 Source: Xander395

#3. This toilet seat.

Source: PauloPatricio

#4. Teeth Mechanical Keyboard

Source: CaptainxButt

#5. Creepy snack food nick-nacks


#6. Wicker basket toilet

Source: DrewChrist87

#7. Honey, don’t forget your Jandals

Source: mokoe101

#8. Hope you like it when your legs dangle

Source: slvrtonguewrit

#9. These picnic tables with swings for seats…

Source: Eagle4523

#10. This chair is made of wood

Source: NotLaFontaine

#11. This cup could've been so much better if the handle was utilised for the elephant's trunk.. Instead we got this weird design with the super awkward baby trunk.

Source: yash10p

#12. Moss chairs for some reason

Source: FadedPariah

#13. What was the point of this again!

Source: colorfulsoul_

#14. My friends shoes blend in with the rocks

Source: adognamedwalter

#15. A new kind of accessories

Source: uglydesign

#16. Just one question: what for?

Source: uglydesign

#17. To stand out from the crowd. Even if it's for the earrings

Source: uglydesign

#18. Cute toes

Source: uglydesign

#19. Alien: Covenant remake

Source: uglydesign

#20. Got a new shower curtain. Girlfriend went to the bathroom and screamed loud enough to have the neighbors knock on my door.

Source: MrBanana6261
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