
20 Comparisons That Show The Major Difference Between Edited Photos And Reality

With the existence of photoshop apps, our lives changed – you could turn yourself into a hot boy or girl with a golden ratio face. Photoshop is seen as a useful tool for enhancing our natural beauty and giving a self-esteem boost.
Nowadays, it’s easy to see photos of celebrities on social media. Many of them look so flawless that it’s hard to believe they’re even real. Our stars use filters to hide their blemishes and wrinkles. They are so used to seeing fake, smooth skin and symmetrical features that it seems they forgot what a natural face looks like.
If you intend to compare yourself to celebrities, always remember that their photos are usually the case of being photoshopped excessively. It’s a fact that nobody is perfect.
Below are 20 side-by-side images of celebrities that show what edited and unedited ones look like.

#1 Sofia Vergara

Source: © sofiavergara / Instagram, East News

#2 Salma Hayek

Source: © salmahayek / Instagram, East News

#3 Jennifer Garner

Source: © jennifer.garner / Instagram, East News

#4 Jennifer Lopez

Source: © jlo / Instagram, East News

#5 Kelly Clarkson

Source: © kellyclarkson / Instagram, East News

#6 Nicole Kidman

Source: © nicolekidman / Instagram, East News

#7 Jessica Alba and Cash Warren

Source: © jessicaalba / Instagram, East News

#8 Donatella Versace

Source: © donatella_versace / Instagram, East News

#9 Jessica Chastain

Source: © jessicachastain / Instagram, East News

#10 Reese Witherspoon

Source: © reesewitherspoon / Instagram, East News

#11 Rebel Wilson

Source: © rebelwilson / Instagram, East News

#12 Julia Roberts

Source: © juliaroberts / Instagram, East News

#13 Kim Kardashian

Source: © kimkardashian / Instagram, East News

#14 Bryce Dallas Howard

Source: © brycedhoward / Instagram, East News

#15 Selena Gomez

Source: © selenagomez / Instagram, East News

#16 Nicole Kidman

Source: © nicolekidman / Instagram, East News

#17 Kate Hudson

Source: © katehudson / Instagram, East News

#18 Brie Larson

Source: © brielarson / Instagram, East News

#19 Cindy Crawford

Source: © cindycrawford / Instagram, East News

#20 Gisele Bündchen

Source: © gisele / Instagram, East News

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