18 Painfully Expensive Fails That’ll Have You Laughing And Crying At The Same Time
When you invest a lot of money in something, you will be very careful with it, even naming it. You open the box, and in your mind, there are millions of ways it could go wrong. It demonstrates that you appreciate your earnings and are eager for them to be put to good use. Unfortunately, the more you conserve it, the faster it deteriorates. And once a costly object appears in the world, there are a variety of ways to destroy it. We've compiled photos of expensive items that had been destroyed or broken. We warn you that staring at these photos may cause severe pain because the items we buy and store most carefully are the most fragile and perishable.
Here are 18 painfully expensive fails that’ll have you laughing and crying at the same time. What are you waiting for? Scroll down below to check them out, and don’t hesitate to share them with your relatives. Enjoy!
Here are 18 painfully expensive fails that’ll have you laughing and crying at the same time. What are you waiting for? Scroll down below to check them out, and don’t hesitate to share them with your relatives. Enjoy!
#1. Ground staff pulled the wrong handle and MD-80's butt fell off
Source: kraven420
#2. Baby ducks in the lake
Source: x2o6
#3. My laptop was murdered by a single grain of chipotle brown rice that got closed on the screen
Source: kaxamdays
#4. Somebody had an expensive oopsie at ORD last night
Source: rulingthewake243
#5. So much for that expensive cat furniture
Source: GeneReddit123
#6. My friend's dog thought the foot on my prosthesis was a chew toy
Source: stalnoypirat
#7. If you are ever tempted to throw your Styrofoam cup of soda out the window on the highway, don't
Source: autotech1011
#8. So the car I was test driving and really liked went up in flames
Source: mightymatti
#9. Skipped breakfast, stood up too fast, passed out while taking an exam during a zoom meeting, fell on my most expensive piece of furniture
Source: probably_juicy
#10. What happens when you drive into a house
Source: Tickle86
#11. Put Son’s PS4 controllers in the oven last night to hide them so he’d go to bed. Didn’t tell the wife, who then put the oven on this morning!
Source: hi_robb
#12. My bedroom ceiling collapsed
Source: deus_voltaire
#13. Cable guy drills a hole in the side of the house, into a closet, through a guitar case, and right through a Martin HD-28V
Source: kol_kay
#14. At least he's not texting
Source: Lank_Thompson
#15. Unmanned delivery car drives into undried cement
Source: 42how_
#16. A friend of mine posted this photo of the job site today
Source: rabaful
#17. Oops!
Source: booat
#18. A new guy at work made an oopsie
Source: LowNslow09
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