15+ Super Adorable Pics Showing How Disney Characters Joining Our Modern Life
Have you ever wished that your favorite characters from a book or movie were there with you in the real world? In order to offer an answer to this issue through the comedic works of art that he creates, Samuel MB uses cutting-edge technology and a tremendous passion for the arts. The artist incorporates well-known Disney characters into his work through Photoshop, and it's obvious that he has a great time anytime he has the opportunity to work with his heroes.
When we last spoke with Samuel, we asked him about the aspect of the Disney series he found most challenging to film. "The most challenging aspect of taking these photographs is ensuring that the figures have appropriate lighting and shadows in each shot. In order to be successful, you need to give the impression to the audience that they are taking part in the event together with the actors. Reading other people's comments on my images is by far the greatest part. It's rewarding when other people like what I've created and use it."
When we last spoke with Samuel, we asked him about the aspect of the Disney series he found most challenging to film. "The most challenging aspect of taking these photographs is ensuring that the figures have appropriate lighting and shadows in each shot. In order to be successful, you need to give the impression to the audience that they are taking part in the event together with the actors. Reading other people's comments on my images is by far the greatest part. It's rewarding when other people like what I've created and use it."
1. That's weird, a bit though!
Source: samuelmb1991
2. The cutest Lion King
Source: samuelmb1991
3. The perfect vibe
Source: samuelmb1991
4. The artist is an elementary school teacher though
Source: samuelmb1991
5. Cheerrr
Source: samuelmb1991
6. The old enjoy the old
Source: samuelmb1991
7. Emotional sometimes
Source: samuelmb1991
8. Happy family
Source: samuelmb1991
9. Stay still!!!
Source: samuelmb1991
10. Ewwww
Source: samuelmb1991
11. That's a nice editing
Source: samuelmb1991
12. I can hear the sound from these sheep
Source: samuelmb1991
13. That smells though
Source: samuelmb1991
14. The artist was born in 1991, btw
Source: samuelmb1991
15. Does he fart?
Source: samuelmb1991
16. Enjoy Xmas
Source: samuelmb1991
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