15 Moments People Timely Captured Unique Things With Their Camera
You might not be the best photographer in the world, but sometimes everything in the universe aligns so precisely, all you have to do is press the shutter-release button in the right place at the right time.
Every now and then, perfect timing can make or break a photo, turning it into a happy accident or a beautiful illusion, so we have compiled a list of perfectly timed photos that proves you don't necessarily need expensive gear to take an incredible picture.
Every now and then, perfect timing can make or break a photo, turning it into a happy accident or a beautiful illusion, so we have compiled a list of perfectly timed photos that proves you don't necessarily need expensive gear to take an incredible picture.
#1. Accidentally found out what my daughter will look like with my hai
Source: clumzyproofreader
#2. Photobomb level: adorable
Source: thepunis
#3. My legs after a 5-hour mountain bike ride
Source: TheH***Salad
#4. Looks like her hair, but it’s actually a guy’s head
Source: IRapandStuff
#5. Thought I was just taking a photo of a rainbow when...
Source: i_aRe_Jeenyus
#6. My uncle using his flashlight to brighten up my dad’s iPad screen
Source: brisk911
#7. My butter this morning looks like a happy man
Source: kaatastrof
#8. This egg has no yolk
Source: TotapoPrincess
#9. A guy in hot AZ heat did not want his dog’s paws to burn, so he pulled him in a cooler
Source: Suspicious-Guidance9
#10. Sometimes you get lucky with timing
Source: ash_squires
#11. This one got a little greedy
Source: dailyrain
#12. This dog trying to catch the ball
Source: Quarafee
#13. This kiwi with just one seed
Source: AnnaTrier
#14. She said she wanted the biggest cinnamon roll they had
Source: McFuddlestuff
#15. The way my arm gets sweaty
Source: axel_16
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