20 Hilarious Pics Of Dumb People Believing In Online Advice
Many of us turn to the internet for answers when we are stuck in a situation. Although this frequently has a positive outcome, there are many trolls out there who prey on the helpless and gullible. They will purposely make bad recommendations that have all kinds of unfavorable effects. Here is a collection of individuals who discovered the hard way not to take online advice. For most of those affected, we don't feel too sorry for them!
Belows are 15 of the most apparent examples. Check it out and don't forget to leave us a thumb up if you feel it's worth reading. Cheers!
Belows are 15 of the most apparent examples. Check it out and don't forget to leave us a thumb up if you feel it's worth reading. Cheers!
#1. Saving Time By Eating Bread With Toothpaste Just Isn’t Okay.
Source: imgur
#2. Ladies And Gentleman… The Universal Remote.
Source: reddit
#3. Never Use Tape To Stop A Leak!
Source: wikimedia
#4. Putting A Non-Cracked Egg In The Microwave Will End Like So…
Source: imgur
#5. Apparently A Tennis Racket Is Great For Mashing Potatoes…
Source: twitter
#6. You Would Have To Be Pretty Skilled To Make This Turn Out Well…
Source: imgur
#7. Some People Say That Putting Your Phone Into A Glass Of Water Works Great To Magnify The Screen!
Source: imgur
#8. We Don’t Really Have Any Words For This One…
Source: imgur
#9. Whilst This Does Seem Like An Effective Way Of Ensuring People Respect Your Personal Space, You’re Welcoming Hustlers To Sue You If They Get Spiked!
Source: behance
#10. We Really, Really, Really Hope That This Toilet Seat Was Brand New.
Source: imgur
#11. Using A Seat Belt As A Bottle Opener Is Never A Good Idea!
Source: reddit
#12. When You Can ‘Afford’ A BMW But Not A Replacement Wiper Blade, Something Isn’t Right!
Source: imgur
#13. This Seems Like A Great Idea In Theory When You’re Strapped For A Pair Of Shoes But In Reality, They Suck!
Source: imgur
#14. Cut Your Tennis Balls In Half To Store Two More Balls In Each Can, Saving Space
Source: fantafano
#15. Take A Selfie Through A Toilet Roll Tube And Pretend You’re The Moon
Source: CommunistCate
#16. Don’t Buy New Socks. Use A Permanent Marker Instead
Source: shotsfiredyo
#17. Sneak A Chocolate Into American Movie Theatres With This Trick
Source: Miko99
#18. Spray Your Headphones With Some “Johnson’s No More Tangles” When They Are Tangled
Source: Eeli100
#19. Keep Cake Moist By Eating It All In One Sitting
Source: Louniness
#20. Use Laptop Chargers To Heat Snacks Up
Source: Z3F
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