12 Actors Who Turned Down Iconic Roles And Regretted Them Later
Stars frequently decide to pass on particular roles despite directors pleading with them to do so for a variety of reasons. They sometimes speak candidly about the high-profile roles they declined and the remorse they felt when the movies they had rejected were expressed.
Because a lot of these roles went on to become legendary and iconic. It's hard to imagine that today's actors could have performed these roles in the same way. Imagine a scenario if Reese Witherspoon didn't portray Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. Shudder! Here are 12 actors who turned down iconic roles before realizing how foolish they were.
#1 Harvey Dent — Matt Damon and Aaron Eckhart
Source: East News, © The Dark Knight / DC Comics and co-producers
However, Damon later made an appearance in Nolan's other film, Interstellar. And this time, he had to put in a lot of effort to be a part of the film.
#2 Daisy Domergue — Jennifer Lawrence and Jennifer Jason Leigh
Source: © Joy / Annapurna Pictures and co-producers, © The Hateful Eight / FilmColony and co-producers
Lawrence allegedly met with Tarantino just out of good manners at the time since she was preoccupied with filming Joy, according to Tarantino.
#3 James Bond — Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan
Source: Mary Evans / Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, © Tomorrow Never Dies / Eon Productions Ltd. and co-producers
But Natasha Richardson, his then-girlfriend, told him, "Darling if you're offered James Bond and you're going to play it, you're not going to marry me," since she thought this was enough. Later on, they did Wed, and Neeson claims he frequently taunted his wife by approaching her after disputes and singing the well-known James Bond theme tune.
#4 Michael Corleone — Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino
Source: © The Postman Always Rings Twice / Lorimar Film Entertainment and co-producers, © The Godfather: Part II / Paramount Pictures and co-producers
On the contrary, he believed that the post was crucial and that an Italian should fill it. Although many actors could play Michael Corleone, according to him, Al Pacino was made for the role.
#5 Vivian — Sarah Jessica Parker and Julia Roberts
Source: HBO / Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection / East News, © Pretty Woman / Touchstone Pictures and co-producers
But for a variety of reasons, none of them ended up in the movie. Some of the actresses turned down the part or were too young for it. Parker was concerned for her image and believed that Vivian painted a poor picture of women. After all of this, the unknown Roberts was recruited, and because she thought the movie would succeed, it turned out to be her breakout part.
#6 Neo — Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves
Source: Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, © The Matrix / Village Roadshow Pictures and co-producers
Reeves was given the opportunity when Depp turned down the part, and today it is inconceivable to envision anybody else playing Neo.
#7 Ego — Matthew McConaughey and Kurt Russell
Source: © Free State of Jones / Route One Films and co-producers, © Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 / Walt Disney Studios and co-producers
Due to his preference for Stephen King's The Dark Tower, McConaughey chose not to participate in a Marvel production.
#8 Sam Wheat — Bruce Willis and Patrick Swayze
Source: Mary Evans / AF Archive / David Gadd / East News, © Ghost / Paramount Pictures and co-producers
Even Patrick Swayze wasn't very excited to take on the part. But because of his wife, he was brought to tears when reading the screenplay and decided to perform the part.
#9 Rose — Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet
Source: Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, © Titanic / Paramount Pictures and co-producers
The actress just replies that all performers make errors and accept poor parts and reject wonderful ones, unable to provide a clear explanation for why she turned down the role.
#10 Maximus — Mel Gibson and Russell Crowe
Source: East News, © Gladiator / Universal Pictures and co-producers
However, the actor declined the part because he believed he was too old for such action-packed sequences. But after obtaining the part of Maximus, Russell Crowe rose to fame in Hollywood.
#11 Noah Calhoun — George Clooney and Ryan Gosling
Source: © Leatherheads / Universal Pictures and co-producers, © The Notebook / New Line Cinema and co-producers
But after giving the part some serious thought and seeing numerous movies with Newman, Clooney made the decision to pass. He believed they would appear odd together since he didn't think he was attractive enough in comparison to Newman. Instead, Ryan Gosling landed the part, which greatly increased his popularity.
#12 Jake Sully — Jake Gyllenhaal and Sam Worthington
Source: Invision / Invision / East News, © Avatar / 20th Century Studios and co-producers
He once admitted that he was interested in casting Sam Worthington, a little-known Australian actor, in the role. But in order to please the Fox staff, he had to offer the part to well-known performers. They were concerned that a newcomer wouldn't generate enough interest in the pricey and newly launched business. But following the debut of Avatar, Worthington became well-known for landing the role.