27 Absurd Things People On Reddit Shared That Will Make You Say "Thanks, I Hate It"
With the digital world at our fingertips, we are bombarded with bizarre information and pictures almost 24 hours a day. Every time we go online, a flurry of various things appears in our feeds, ranging from intriguing yet scary pictures to images with far too much going on. However, have you ever encountered something so unpleasant that you thought: "Thanks, I hate it?" If your answer is "yes," this post was tailor-made for you.
Let us introduce you to the subreddit r/TIHI (or Thanks, I Hate It)—a place to identify, mock, and celebrate disgusting online stuff. This online group, which has over 1.6 million members and is still going strong, is full of disturbing, thought-provoking images that are also hilarious. And we have scoured the group to gather some of the most entertaining posts to share with you all, so let's get scrolling and check them out!
Let us introduce you to the subreddit r/TIHI (or Thanks, I Hate It)—a place to identify, mock, and celebrate disgusting online stuff. This online group, which has over 1.6 million members and is still going strong, is full of disturbing, thought-provoking images that are also hilarious. And we have scoured the group to gather some of the most entertaining posts to share with you all, so let's get scrolling and check them out!
#1. "Yeah, they're our fur babies, so we're their skin parents."
Source: nekkototoro
#2. When you order "NEO" on wish.
Source: DuckWithABoot
#3. Days like these I really wish I was blind.
Source: pigeon0787
#4. "Snickers, get some nuts."
Source: AdamantiumBalls
#5. Thanks, I hate sex in the 19th century.
Source: TheLehis
#6. "You guys just don't work hard enough. All you have to do is to get a 100000$ loan from your father and pull yourself up by the bootstraps"
Source: Dareyouni
#7. Thanks, I hate lollipops.
Source: GamerStrange
#8. Thanks I hate exciting new ideas.
Source: RyomaNagare
#9. Nope, just nope.
Source: dun6661
#10. My man, just buy a baguette or something.
Source: Qeweyou
#11. Where.. where can I listen to this? Wait...
Source: Maelarion
#12. Thanks, I hate small talk.
Source: Reddit
#13. "So far??"
Source: Foksees
#14. Thanks, I hate it
Source: Reddit
#15. Dying and dashing.
Source: No_Russian_29
#16. Thanks I hate sucking out kidney stones.
Source: Sammydog6387
#17. "I'd expect as much from someone named Geff"
Source: r-slash-randomname
#18. Thanks, I hate how this happens to me way more than I would like to admit.
Source: dvarka124
#19. Thanks, I hate a paper cut.
Source: Mass_egdy
#20. Thanks I hate any system that would sentence like this.
Source: 19senzafine81
#21. Do you just love the moment it changes at the end? Suddenly it's very ordinary.
Source: spottedraccoon
#22. Thanks, I hate this role reversal.
Source: Blue_theHegehog
#23. Cocoa powder has entered the chat.
Source: PlanttGangg
#24. Or LEGO people are made of house.
Source: Ali_Najib_Fadhlani
#25. Thanks, I hate ex-cake.
Source: MaleficentFault
#26. Phobby, Smachel, Veronica, Roy, Hass, and Chandler.
Source: Ladyasav
#27. And lastly viberella. Or alternatively Prince Alarming.
Source: Bitten469
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