
11 Worst Movies Ever Made That Deserve A One-Way Ticket To The Garbage Dump

Movies are such incredible art, and there’s nothing as joyful as watching a true cinematic masterpiece. However, some flicks are just plain stinkers despite millions of bucks poured in to make them. The list of worst movies just keeps going, with enough bombs to make you question your sanity.
From terrible acting to nonsensical plots, these dumpster fires are so bad you want to immediately run out of the theater. And yet, somehow they managed to make it onto the screen, leaving audiences scratching their heads and wondering what they had just witnessed. Well, if you have time, money, and brain cells to waste, at least these movies provide some so-bad-it’s-good fun. It's like watching a train wreck! (But don’t, seriously!)
Yes, we still recommend avoiding these stinkers at all costs. Or else after a few scenes in, you might want to gouge your eyes out with a rusty spoon.

#11 The Wicker Man (2006)

Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

Nicolas Cage's famous line "No! No, the bees!" has become well-known in the film industry, but not in a positive way. This remake of the 1973 horror film has a comedic tone, and features Cage as a police officer searching for his former fiance's daughter who has gone missing. Despite the creation of amusing memes and internet jokes, the film is considered one of Cage's worst performances.

#10 Striptease (1996)

Source: IMDb

Oh boy, Demi Moore sure made a fortune when she decided to bare it all in Striptease, raking in a whopping $12.5 million. But let's just say, after the movie was released in theaters, she probably should have negotiated for double that amount. The film follows Moore's character, a former FBI secretary who turns to stripping to support her daughter, but unfortunately for her, the critics tore the movie apart like a pack of wild dogs.
There are some side stories involving a sleazy congressman played by Burt Reynolds and Moore's shady ex-husband played by Robert Patrick, but let's be real, nobody cares about that. And despite the film's title, it's not even remotely sexy. The only thing worth saving in the movie is the soundtrack.

#9 The Room (2003)

Source: IMDb

Some say it's so bad it's good, while others just think it's plain terrible. This cinematic masterpiece was written, produced, directed, and starred by Tommy Wiseau, who was trying to make an award-winning independent film. Unfortunately, it ended up being a classic example of how not to make a movie. The Room follows the lives of three friends and throws in a bunch of random subplots that lead absolutely nowhere. But the saving grace of this film is Wiseau's acting - or should we say lack thereof. It's so terrible that it's actually hilarious.
Despite all the criticism and mockery, Wiseau still believes he's created a cinematic masterpiece. Bless his heart. If you're brave enough to sit through The Room, do yourself a favor and follow it up with The Disaster Artist.

#8 The Hottie and the Nottie (2008)

Source: IMDb

Let's talk about The Hottie and the Nottie. It came out in 2008, but it's safe to say that it's still haunting people's nightmares to this day. Back in 2005, Paris Hilton was in a pretty decent horror movie called House of Wax, but unfortunately, people gave it negative buzz just because of her infamous reputation.
But let's get back to The Hottie and the Nottie. With a title that screams "this movie is gonna be terrible," it's about a hot girl who refuses to go out on a date until her not-so-hot friend finds love. It's like a twisted fairy tale that has gone completely wrong. Morally bankrupt and narratively challenged, it's a movie that's better left forgotten.

#7 House of the Dead (2003)

Source: Letterboxd

House of the Dead is a movie that'll make you wish you were actually playing the terrible arcade game it's based on. You know there are way too many game adaptations out there that offer nothing but a headache-inducing, boring action, right? Well, House of the Dead takes the cake for being the absolute worst of the bunch.
Not only is it painfully repetitive, but it also commits the ultimate sin by simply slapping moments from the game over scenes from the movie. It's a creative decision that'll make you want to rip your hair out in frustration. So if you're in the mood for a movie that's as fun as banging your head against a wall, House of the Dead is the perfect pick.

#6 Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)

Source: Paramount Pictures

Transformers: The Last Knight is the fifth installment of Michael Bay's big, noisy cash grab franchise. Now, Bay has made some decent movies in his time - The Rock and Bad Boys II. But it's the Transformers movies that both made and broke his career.
Sure, the first movie in the franchise was alright, but The Last Knight? Yikes. It's a complete mess that makes no sense whatsoever. Not to mention, it's so boring that you'll wish you were watching paint dry instead. And don't even get me started on the endless, busy CGI sequences. The Last Knight is like a never-ending nightmare that'll leave you questioning why you ever liked robots in the first place.

#5 Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)

Source: IMDb

The Hands of Fate is a true classic of claptrap cinema. And for all the wrong reasons.
This low-fi eyesore (and earsore) is about a family that takes a wrong turn in Texas and ends up running into a sacrificial cult. And let me tell you, Manos: The Hands of Fate is hard to endure on your own. But if you're a glutton for punishment and have a group of friends who love bad movies, then it's a glacially-paced party. Just make sure you have plenty of snacks on hand to distract from the pain of watching this cinematic disaster.

#4 Cats (2019)

Source: IMDb

Where to start with Cats? This movie was supposed to be the cat’s meow, but instead turned out to be a cat-astrophe! From the weird, uncanny valley CGI to the bizarre storyline, it’s hard to believe anyone thought this movie was a good idea. Even with a star-studded cast, including Jennifer Hudson and Taylor Swift, the film still managed to flop harder than a fish out of water.
It’s a prime example of why some things just shouldn’t be made into movies, especially when they involve singing and dancing humanoid cats.

#3 Disaster Movie (2008)

Source: Stan

Disaster Movie is a comedic disaster of epic proportions, just like the name suggested. The film lacks any real humor and instead opts for a barrage of stale pop culture references that will leave you feeling like you just got hit by a truck. The plot follows a group of hapless millennials as they stumble through various natural and man-made disasters, but even the destruction can't distract from the movie's complete lack of quality.
While it might not be the absolute worst movie ever made, it's definitely in the running for that dubious honor.

#2 The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) (2015)

Source: IMDb

The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) takes everything that was already disgusting and cringe-worthy about the first two movies and ramps it up to 11. If you thought a human centipede made of people's butts and mouths was bad, just wait until you see the third one. It's like a fever dream of depravity that you can't wake up from.
Watching it is like subjecting yourself to a sensory assault that will leave you scarred for life. So, unless you're a fan of feeling nauseous and disturbed for days on end, you might want to skip this one.

#1 The Emoji Movie (2017)

Source: IMDb

The Emoji Movie (2017) is a perfect example of what happens when filmmakers run out of ideas and decide to make a movie based on an internet fad. It's a soulless, corporate cash grab that shamelessly plugs various apps and services. Also, a poorly made animated movie lacking creativity and soul to a disturbing example of capitalist manipulation, aimed at influencing young viewers with its repulsive messaging.
The story is as shallow as a kiddie pool and the characters are about as boring as hell. To call it a cinematic dumpster fire would be an insult to dumpster fires everywhere.
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