11 Movie Outfits That Become A Living Nightmare For Their Actor
Costumes are an essential part of bringing movie magic to life!
An important tool in story-telling, costumes are a medium between the movie makers and the audience, communicating the details of a character's personality, to the setting of a movie. It can even help actors breathes life into their characters.
That means movie costumes can be a lot of things. Convincing, yes. Beautiful, absolutely! Comfortable? Well, not so much.
We have heard many stories about how movie costumes are a nightmare for their actors. From stories of male actors with tight padding to hide the line of a certain part of their anatomy, to actresses with horror stories of skin-tight bodysuits, putting on movie costumes seems like a lot of commitment.
But just how difficult can these costumes be? Let’s go through these 11 movie costumes that are nightmares for their actors right here, and see how uncomfortable they may be.
An important tool in story-telling, costumes are a medium between the movie makers and the audience, communicating the details of a character's personality, to the setting of a movie. It can even help actors breathes life into their characters.
That means movie costumes can be a lot of things. Convincing, yes. Beautiful, absolutely! Comfortable? Well, not so much.
We have heard many stories about how movie costumes are a nightmare for their actors. From stories of male actors with tight padding to hide the line of a certain part of their anatomy, to actresses with horror stories of skin-tight bodysuits, putting on movie costumes seems like a lot of commitment.
But just how difficult can these costumes be? Let’s go through these 11 movie costumes that are nightmares for their actors right here, and see how uncomfortable they may be.
#1 Margot Robbie — Harley Quinn
Source: © Suicide Squad / Atlas Entertainment and co-producers
#2 Ryan Reynolds — Green Lantern
Source: © Green Lantern / Warner Bros. and co-producers
#3 Kit Harington — Jon Snow
Source: © Game of Thrones / HBO and co-producers
#4 Emilia Clarke — Daenerys
Source: © Game of Thrones / HBO and co-producers
#5 Tom Holland — Spider-Man
Source: © Spider-Man: Homecoming / Marvel Studios and co-producers
#6 Elizabeth Olsen — Scarlet Witch
Source: © Avengers: Infinity War / Marvel Studios and co-producers
#7 Angelina Jolie — Lara Croft
Source: © Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life / Paramount Pictures and co-producers
#8 Chris Hemsworth — Thor
Source: © Thor / Marvel Studios and co-producers
#9 Alyssa Milano — Phoebe
Source: © Charmed / Viacom Productions and co-producers
#10 Carrie Fisher — Princess Leia
Source: © The Empire Strikes Back / Lucasfilm and co-producers
#11 Benedict Cumberbatch — Sherlock Holmes
Benedict Cumberbatch admitted that he hated Sherlock's outfits. He said that, despite the fact that the costumes were well-tailored, the waist was far too tiny. This is why he was uneasy on set and couldn't breathe or eat properly.Share this article