
These Celebrities Nearly Die For Their Roles Or In Real Life And Nobody Knowns

These celebrities nearly die during the filming or in real life, and only a handful of people know about their epic tales. And boy oh boy, aren’t they epic. Can you imagine sitting on a plane and then the engine just suddenly explodes? Or almost drown for real in front of a crowd because everybody thinks you are just acting? These accidents were really terrifying and there was no doubt that these stars cheated death in an extremely lucky way.
So let’s find out the stories behind all the times that these celebrities nearly die on set or in real life. Which one do you think sounds the scariest?

1. Leo DiCaprio was on a plane and the engine exploded

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In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Leo DiCaprio shared his story about the scariest moment of his life. The famous actor was on a flight to Russia when one of the engines burst into flames. The entire thing just turned into a fireball.
What is more horrifying than that? According to DiCaprio, everybody else on the plane was calm except for him. In fact, they were so calm that he was convinced that he already died and went to heaven. On the other hand, DiCaprio was so freaked out that he started screaming. Luckily for him, the emergency landing was successful, but all of the tires exploded though.

2. And so did Meryl Streep and Tracey Ullman

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Meryl Streep and Tracey Ullman were both on a flight when one of the engines exploded causing the plane to rapidly descend. Unlike DiCaprio’s flight, every passenger immediately screamed in panic. Tracey and Meryl held each other hands. Meryl then turned to her friend and said: "Oh, damn. That woman who's writing that horrible unauthorized biography on me will have a terrific ending."
Lucky for them, the pilots were able to make an emergency landing in France and nobody got hurt.

3. Brendan Fraser accidentally hung himself in The Mummy

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Turns out that the hanging scene at the beginning of The Mummy almost costs Brendan Fraser his life. In this scene, he was standing on a platform and had a rope around his neck. The rope turned out to be too short and it choked him for real in the scene.
Brendan passed out and ultimately woke up with the stunt coordinator clapping in his face. When the actor woke up, the stunt coordinator jokingly said to him, “Hey. Congratulations. You just joined the club with Mel Gibson. He got choked out on Braveheart, too.”

4. Isla Fisher almost drowned in Now You See Me

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Isla Fisher played an escape artist in Now You See Me. Her first scene in the movie had her chained and submerged in a tank of water. She should be able to escape fairly easily given that her handcuffs had quick-release magnetic chains. However, the whole thing got stuck and couldn’t be broken.
Isla Fisher’s struggle was real. She was scared for her life while everybody outside just thought she was being Meryl Streep in the tank. Fortunately, someone caught on and the actress was saved just in time.

5. And so did Jason Statham in The Expendables 3

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Jason Statham also almost drowned during the filming of The Expendables 3. The actor wanted to test the truck stunt before everyone got on, but the brakes failed. The truck hit two cameramen before it went over the nine-foot edge of the dock and quickly started sinking.
Statham tried to stop himself from panicking and pulled himself out of the truck's window. He luckily got to the surface without any injury.

6. Sylvester Stallone had to stay in the ICU for nine days after a fight scene in Rocky IV

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Sylvester Stallone wanted the fight scenes in Rocky 4 to be as realistic as possible, so he kept pushing Dolph Lundgren to hit him harder. Lundgren agreed and he punched Stallone in his chest so hard that Stallone had to stay in the ICU for nine days after.
The punch made Stallone’s heart slam against his breastbone and began to swell. If they didn’t get the medical attention in time, his heart would have continued to swell until it stopped.

7. Dylan O'Brien had a facial fracture and brain trauma while filming the Maze Runner

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Dylan O'Brien almost lost his life on the set of the last Maze Runner movie. After his stunt went horribly wrong and resulted in him getting hit by a stunt car, the actor had a concussion, a facial fracture, and brain trauma. He spent half a year recovering from his injuries.

8. Drew Barrymore cracked her skull on concrete during Santa Clarita Diet

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In a 2017 interview, Drew Barrymore shared that she nearly died on the set of Santa Clarita Diet. There was a scene where she had to jump on a man’s back, but Barrymore slipped off and cracked her head on the concrete. The actress was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital. Lucky for her, her injury wasn’t fatal. It’s still “f***ing terrifying” to Barrymore though.

9. Johnny Depp was lucky in Lone Ranger

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Speaking of stories about how famous celebrities nearly die on their movie sets, Johnny Depp got quite lucky. During his time filming the Lone Ranger, he almost kicked the bucket after a stunt went wrong. He was riding a horse when suddenly he slipped out of his saddle and underneath the hooves of the said horse.
The horse was fully galloping too! Yet somehow Depp still managed to walk away unharmed from this. What a miracle!

10. Emilia Clarke nearly died during Game Of Thrones

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In 2011, Emilia Clarke suffered two brain aneurysms. The aneurysms were so bad that they almost took her life. After the first season of Games of Thrones was finished, Clarke’s condition got worse. She had to go through a life-saving surgery to keep her life.

11. Ryan Reynolds almost died when he went skydiving

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When he was still a teenager, Ryan Reynolds used to spend his free time skydiving with his friends. The 13th jump turned out to be the worst nightmare for him as his parachute failed to deploy. Ryan was too scared to pull his emergency chute. His life was saved by the reserve pull, but he still plummeted wildly to the ground below. The actor had a fear of flying ever since.
Those are some wild stories about how celebrities nearly die in real life or on movie sets. Speaking of crazy celebrity stories, there are some pretty cool facts about famous people. Check them out, they might bring a smile to your face!
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