30 Times People Spotted ‘Absolute Units’ And Couldn't Resist Sharing Online
Apparently, the online universe is quite more fascinated by tiny and cute little things than some heavy huge stuff. Just compare the number of posts about small animals and really, really big ones that show up on your newsfeed and you will get what we are talking about. Just in case things that are extraordinarily out of proportion to their surroundings don't get enough attention they deserve, someone created a beloved corner on Reddit known as "Lads that you’re in awe at the size of". This online community is dedicated to sharing a wide range of adorable and unexpected images where animals and items cannot even be compared to one another.
We have rounded up 30 of the funniest "absolute units" things you won’t believe there is a chance they exist. Check them out now!
We have rounded up 30 of the funniest "absolute units" things you won’t believe there is a chance they exist. Check them out now!
#1. Recipe: use two cloves of garlic
Source: monyeeart
#2. The head size difference between a man and a cane corso
Source: jokerlovesharleen
#3. A Caleb Cluster of grapes
Source: Chonkbird
#4. This cat
Source: gunnergio14
#5. This carrot
Source: atkinsoncjedi
#6. 6'9" compared to 5'1"
Source: stimulatingsenator
#7. 7'9" Sun Ming Ming vs The Rock
Source: faroll2
#8. This Elephant Ears plant at a plant store
Source: jargo1
#9. Big lettuce
Source: g4mert0p
#10. The size of the original Big Mac
Source: Mr-Fahrenheit_451
#11. A Vietnamese guy with his African Bullfrogs
Source: eddiecool123
#12. This cucumber mistaken for a watermelon
Source: me2pikzr
#13. "I think we found the cure to world hunger!"
Source: Ukherewegrow
#14. Felt like this was a unit of a water lily
Source: promptlyHollow
#15. 7'2" man in an economy seat
Source: pegi3
#16. Double King
Source: Kosmosnoetos
#17. Volleyball Player Hannah Donaldson
Source: Powerbear2021
#18. "Does this belong here? Lemon from my parents' lemon tree"
Source: amelia_egghart217
#19. "Mushroom my dad found in the forest"
Source: Kagia001
#20. Absolute Oreo
Source: lemonkitty
#21. "Here is Hogarth my absolute unit of a snail"
Source: Clokkers
#22. "This straaaaaawberry I saw in the store"
Source: Darry__Lavid
#23. "This absolute unit of a wrench I used"
Source: Darry__Lavid
#24. "I for once welcome our mutant carrot overlords"
Source: Idontlikejokes
#25. This massive owl
Source: Congodreadin
#26. Absolute unit of a sweet potato
Source: reddit
#27. "He doesn't need a kiss to turn into a prince, he already is one"
Source: taozee3
#28. Chonker of a banana
Source: quackingrobot
#29. Absolute Unit of a Spider
Source: iMangeshSN
#30. This gargantuan cold boi
Source: alagiglia
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