10 Facts About Cartoon Characters That Show Them in a Whole New Way
We always think that we know everything about our favorite cartoon characters, such as Elsa, Rapunzel, and other iconic characters because we've watched Disney movies hundreds of times that we could know some lines by heart. We borrow quotes from them and remember all of the unforgettable moments, but there are a lot of interesting stories behind the characters in these cartoons that we don't know about. For example, in iconic meal scenes, Lady and the Tramp almost didn't have the spaghetti noodle kiss.
Many cartoon characters, without a doubt, changed into something totally different from their original design throughout time, yet few of us are aware of this fact. We want to discover more about our beloved cartoon characters and share with you some amazing facts about them. Check out our list and have some fun!
#1 Belle was inspired by a character from Little Women.
Source: © Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers, © Little Women / Columbia Pictures and co-producers
Jo was the most intelligent of her sisters, she enjoyed reading and writing, and she disliked the thought of marriage. Saoirse Ronan played her in the current version (2019).
#2 At the end of the Ice Age, Diego wasn't intended to live.
Source: © Ice Age / 20th Century Studios and co-producers, © Ice Age / 20th Century Studios and co-producers
Diego actually died in the first version of the cartoon. But because this moment made the children who watched it cry, the creators decided to change Diego's fate so that he would appear in future episodes of the franchise.
#3 Amy Winehouse was the model for Elsa.
Source: © Frozen / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers, © East News
Claire Keane, the artist who worked on this character, said she wanted Elsa to have a deep, beautiful voice and dramatic mood changes. But suddenly the character shifted dramatically. Elsa's expression remained dramatic, as did her large eyes.
#4 The voice of Beauty and the Beast in Chinese was Jackie Chan.
Source: © Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers, © Invision / Invision / East News
#5 The design of Rapunzel's hair was inspired by art.
Source: © Jean-Honoré Fragonard / Les hasards heureux de l'escarpolette / Wallace Collection / Wikimedia Commons, © Public Domain, © Tangled / Walt Disney Animation Studios and co-producers
#6 The original concept for Scar from The Lion King was a baboon.
Source: Twitter
#7 Shrek had initially a red nose, no teeth, and lived in a landfill.
Source: © Shrek / DreamWorks Animation and co-producers
In addition, he did not live in the swamp. He was meant to settle near a village in a landfill. However, these concepts conflicted with the portrayal of a lonely and misunderstood character. As a result, the authors decided to place him near a swamp.
#8 The Beast became one because he didn’t love a fairy.
Source: © Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers, © Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
#9 The Sleeping Beauty fairies are modeled after old women.
Source: © Sleeping Beauty / Walt Disney Productions
#10 The iconic spaghetti scene and Lady and the Tramp's kiss rarely happened.
Source: © Lady and the Tramp / Walt Disney Productions