
7 Celebrities Who Gave Us Reasons To Lost All Respect

It's one thing to stop liking a celebrity because they said or did something inappropriate online, but some of these stars truly fucked up. Former supporters are firing off passionate arguments on why their heroes are no longer worthy of their devotion.
Finding people's thoughts on celebrities might be difficult because few people actually know who they are or how they behave. Most people today exclusively get their news from online and social media sources.
Sadly, though, not every famous person is an upstanding citizen of society. Sadly, some of these famous people have messed up spectacularly in the public eye and must now bear the consequences. Some fans couldn't care less if their favorite stars did something wrong and will still openly back them. However, there are many who have a different view and who publicly declare their disapproval of a celebrity's behavior because of it.

1. Oprah Winfrey

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It surprises me that Oprah Winfrey hasn't been brought up by anyone else yet. Not only did she provide a significant platform for Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil, but she was also close friends with Harvey Weinstein and chose not to speak out against him. After he was arrested, she gave a speech in support of the Me Too movement at the Oscars and received rousing applause for her performance.

2. Amber Heard

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Amber Heard allegedly assaulted Johnny Depp before attempting to sabotage his career by claiming that Depp was the one who attacked her.

3. Ellen Degeneres

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Ellen DeGeneres made Taylor Swift weep and essentially abused her on live TV. She revealed Mariah Carey's pregnancy. Do I really need to go on? Her guests are treated with complete contempt by her.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow

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Gwyneth Paltrow and the unhealthy and ineffective products that she markets under the Goop brand.

5. Kylie Jenner

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Kylie Jenner for the fact that her manufacturing employees were not paid at all.

6. Travis Scott

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Travis Scott was not involved in the incident that resulted in the deaths of a number of his own supporters. I just can't back someone who is indifferent to the lives of their own followers and supporters.

7. Charlie Sheen

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This guy is a complete jerk who is all about himself. He had an entire program centered on him, which was canceled when he betrayed everyone on it, then another network offered him a vehicle show in which he barely showed any work ethic, and when his co-star called him out on it, he got HER fired. Stop giving individuals praise or rewards for being jerks.
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