
10 Picky Actors Who Are Super Hard To Work With

For some people, a career in the motion picture industry fulfills a lifelong desire. You would not only be able to demonstrate your skills, but you would also have the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most well-known actors, directors, and producers worldwide. However, this does not mean that there aren't any of those few employees notorious for their extremely inflated sense of entitlement to perks and benefits.
From famous people who believe they are more resonant than others to those who have developed excessively large egos, there is no shortage of examples. We have the top ten celebrities who are extremely challenging to collaborate with.

1. Bruce Willis

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It's common knowledge that in our favorite action movies, Bruce Willis plays the role of a tough guy who shouldn't be trifled with. Behind the scenes, though, he can be quite the grumpy old man. It has been revealed that Bruce Willis and director Kevin Smith had one of the most publicized feuds.
Kevin Smith has repeatedly stated on the record how soul-shattering and difficult it was to work with Bruce Willis on the set of Cop Out. According to Kevin Smith, Bruce insisted on taking on the director role rather than the actor, which made filming difficult and the final product frustrating to watch.

2. Lindsay Lohan

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Actress Lindsay Lohan has gained notoriety for her recent eccentric behavior. It's not hard to imagine that she was a challenging performer, what with her history of arrests, house arrests, and outlandish wardrobe choices. She allegedly sat in her trailer for long periods, delaying production of the picture, while she was on set for Anger Management. Then she left to go see her boyfriend play at a concert. Lindsay's lack of motivation to work caused a delay in production.

3. Christian Bale

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Christian Bale is a household name. He played the role of Batman in the final installment of a critically acclaimed trilogy. Christian Bale once again found himself in the limelight while filming Terminator: Salvation. Christian Bale's breakdown during a scene review with the director of photography, Shane Hurlbut, was captured on audio and later made public. Christian's breakdown, covered by every media outlet, was triggered when Shane appeared in the background of a scene during filming.

4. Edward Norton

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Just acting is about all that is expected of you when people know your profession is acting. Edward Norton believes that being an actor entails assuming creative control over the final product. It has been said that Edward Norton enjoys stepping into the director's chair and deciding for himself which parts of the plot get filmed and which don't. It's frustrating for film directors attempting to do their jobs, and it may have hampered Edward Norton's chances of securing certain acting parts.

5. Jennifer Lopez

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After Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's breakup, she became silent. But there was a catch: she was also shooting scenes for the upcoming What to Expect... The actress caused unnecessary strain on set by refusing to communicate with anyone outside her cast mates and her director.

6. Julia Roberts

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Julia Roberts doesn't seem like the person who would be a pain to deal with. Despite her charming demeanor in movies and interviews, Julia was a complete disaster on the set of Hook, directed by Steven Spielberg in 1991. There are reports that Julia Roberts broke up with Kiefer Sutherland while under the influence of drugs and in a fragile mental state. Many famous actors, including Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise, showed up on set to see if the stories about Julia Roberts's decline were true.

7. Russell Crowe

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If the performer admits to having a short fuse, you know the situation is dire. Russell Crowe is the type of person you wouldn't want to cross, and he hasn't been shy about making his feelings known on set or in public. It has been reported that Russell Crowe hurled his phone at a hotel worker when he became frustrated because he couldn't make a call. Even though Russell claims to have "the actor attitude," we think he's a cut above the rest.

8. Katherine Heigl

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Katherine Heigl's fame has skyrocketed thanks to her roles in both "Knocked Up" and "Grey's Anatomy." However, she is also notorious for her outbursts directed at other cast members and production staff. She publicly criticized Knocked Up as misogynistic and refused to accept an Emmy award for Grey's Anatomy due to her distaste for the show's script. However, Katherine will proceed with these film endeavors despite the uproar.

9. James Cameron

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So, we can cross James Cameron off the list, I think. First of all, he's not an actor, and second, he's responsible for some of the greatest blockbusters of all time, including Aliens, Avatar, Terminator, Titanic, and many others. James Cameron, the film's director, is known to be a bit of a micromanager, which is understandable given the high stakes involved in making his masterpieces. When asked for a moment of his time, the filmmaker is notorious for encouraging people to take a number. A long wait is likely, as seen by the queue size.

10. Kanye West

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Was there really any reason to be surprised by this? During the filming of Anchorman 2, Kanye West's terrible attitude—on which he apparently thrives—became a problem for the cast and crew. Will Ferrell mentioned that once Kayne West arrived at the set to play his new music, he would still be there playing his new song during the filming of other parts, which slowed down production.
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