Computer Users Will Surely Find Themselves In 25 Funny Illustrations From "System32 Comics"
Nowadays, no matter how big, small, cheap, or overly expensive the computer is, it's obviously ruling the world. You see, most people have a computer and use it every day. Despite its convenience and advanced features, this high-tech machine is a kind of stupid device sometimes. Perhaps, your computer suddenly restarts and automatically updates while you're working or your printer refuses to print black-and-white copies because it's low on blue ink. Those are so annoying, right? One comic artist, who also had trouble with his computer, understood these struggles and created a funny comic to make everyone laugh at their own problems and feel better after a long day working with their advanced but also stupid computers.
Meet Andrew Gale today, who will bring his comic series named “System32 Comics" to you to share the difficulties in using the computer, which will make you find relatable. But, don't worry if you don't have a master's degree in computer science. Andrew's hilarious illustrations are easy to understand as they're based on his daily experiences of using a computer.
The artist has been obsessed with computers since he was at the age of 15. At that time, he always wanted a gaming PC, but he had to save money and tried to build one himself because his parents weren't able to afford it. “The gaming PC has played a massive role in my life. Not only have I used it for gaming, but got into digital editing as well. It has taught me to edit videos, create animations, and other digital art,” revealed the man. “This got me to a few first places winners in various film and art festivals and eventually lead me to create system32comics.”
Talking about technology seems to be very boring, but it isn't true with “System32 Comics". Since its publishing, the comic strip's Instagram account has amassed 233,000 followers who like its funny stories. Without further ado, check out Andrew’s hilarious tech-related comics in the gallery below and prepare for laughs!
Meet Andrew Gale today, who will bring his comic series named “System32 Comics" to you to share the difficulties in using the computer, which will make you find relatable. But, don't worry if you don't have a master's degree in computer science. Andrew's hilarious illustrations are easy to understand as they're based on his daily experiences of using a computer.
The artist has been obsessed with computers since he was at the age of 15. At that time, he always wanted a gaming PC, but he had to save money and tried to build one himself because his parents weren't able to afford it. “The gaming PC has played a massive role in my life. Not only have I used it for gaming, but got into digital editing as well. It has taught me to edit videos, create animations, and other digital art,” revealed the man. “This got me to a few first places winners in various film and art festivals and eventually lead me to create system32comics.”
Talking about technology seems to be very boring, but it isn't true with “System32 Comics". Since its publishing, the comic strip's Instagram account has amassed 233,000 followers who like its funny stories. Without further ado, check out Andrew’s hilarious tech-related comics in the gallery below and prepare for laughs!
#1 Comic about critical updates!
Source: system32comics
#2 Why is it so hot?
Source: system32comics
#3 Don’t ask where I got that RTX 3070
Source: system32comics
#4 Overly real?
Source: system32comics
#5 Designers vs Customers
Source: system32comics
#6 A lot of you have been asking why I am still using the old CRT monitor
Source: system32comics
#7 Happens every time
Source: system32comics
#8 Free-To-Play Mobile Games
Source: system32comics
#9 Hmmm!
Source: system32comics
#10 So this is how they name computer monitors
Source: system32comics
#11 Human Data Structures
Source: system32comics
#12 That jetsons reference
Source: system32comics
#13 When Steve Jobs was still alive
Source: system32comics
#14 Booo!
Source: system32comics
#15 Sketchy Ads In Sketchy Websites
Source: system32comics
#16 That's genius ?
Source: system32comics
#17 Can Your PC Handle This?
Source: system32comics
#18 I mean, am I wrong?
Source: system32comics
#19 Programs running in the background
Source: system32comics
#20 My computer with a GTX960: I am a joke to you?
Source: system32comics
#21 Good marketing at the end ?
Source: system32comics
#22 The magician did it again!
Source: system32comics
#23 That’s it! I’m putting it in the oven!!!
Source: system32comics
#24 Free Anti-Virus Be Like
Source: system32comics
#25 I just want to print something :(
Source: system32comics
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