20 Funniest Shadows That Will Make You Doubt Your Own Eyes
Everybody and everything has a shadow, and they all seem different depending on the angle of the light. But occasionally shadows get tired of living in, well, our shadows, and try to find their own identities by leading their own private lives. These funniest shadows here will make you doubt your eyes.
To see what we mean, look at the list below. It will change the way you look at the world around you, from a monster and invisible dog to a fairy tale. Have you ever seen a shadow that appears to be there? Scroll down to see, and don't forget to vote for your favorite!
Aubtu.biz is a website that provides you with Entertainment updates and creative ideas to brighten your day. Don’t hesitate to visit our site to know more about updated funny pictures and news.
To see what we mean, look at the list below. It will change the way you look at the world around you, from a monster and invisible dog to a fairy tale. Have you ever seen a shadow that appears to be there? Scroll down to see, and don't forget to vote for your favorite!
1. The Cameraman's Shadow Looks Like A Dog
Source: MuchoGrande
2. My Window's Shadow Is A Cat
Source: boredpanda
3. Giraffe's Shadow Looks Like A Unicorn
Source: 3_pac
4. My Toothbrush's Shadow Pays Attention To Its Oral Hygiene As Well
Source: DHSVlip
5. The Shadows Of Two Strangers
Source: AlphaPlutonium
6. The Shadow Correctly Labels This Dog
Source: themattsquaredReport
7. The Shadow From The Toilet Paper Roll Looks Like A Hummingbird
Source: Vxee
8. Interesting Shadow Created From My Light Shade
Source: Rushmerphotography
9. I Really Don't Think That Was Intentional
Source: Olly Denton
10. The Shadow From This Mounted Bulls Head Looks Like It Has A Human Body
Source: youessbee
11. Giraffe Shadow
Source: KevlarYarmulke
12. The Shadow Of This Leaf I Found While Hiking Kind Of Looks Like A Dancing Fairy
Source: isarealboy13
13. The Shadow Of This Gate Looks Like It Says Ass
Source: fibergum
14. The Shadow Of This Shag Carpet Looks Like A City Skyline
Source: natureisnifty
15. Shadow Looks Like A Hanging Man
Source: Mikepants
16. The Shadow Of This Machine Looks Like A Monster
Source: hollyGOLD
17. Taking A Photo Of This Horse Made Its Shadow Look Like Bojack Horseman
Source: RussellCoightus
18. A Friend And I Saw A Shadow. Added Arms
Source: trolollies
19. When You See It, You think it
Source: Bored panda
20. Angry Garbage Bin
Source: Bored panda
Aubtu.biz is a website that provides you with Entertainment updates and creative ideas to brighten your day. Don’t hesitate to visit our site to know more about updated funny pictures and news.
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