30 Epic Quotes From Kids That'll Make You Chuckle
Source: Epic Quotes From Kids (photo used for illustration)
Furthermore, kids are honest. Their pure sight of life gives them ideas to state such surprising statements. Children's quotes are funny yet epic. They are childish but so genius and accurate that even the wisest adult can not declaim. Their simplicity and straightness remind us of how we used to be and tickle our giggling muscles all at once. Most importantly, children dare to say the hidden wishes that mature people always have but can never tell.We have found wisdom from admirable kids in NYC school. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy listening to these little sages.
#1. What a coincidence, it's everyone's too!
Source: livefromsnacktime
#2. What a cute way to correct an interrupter.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#3. That's smart
Source: livefromsnacktime
#4. Never too early to start. Wish this little buddy better success!
Source: livefromsnacktime
#5. Only like eggs in cakes
Source: livefromsnacktime
#6. "Don't be infidels, nine-year-old anonymous!"
Source: livefromsnacktime
#7. "Don't worry! No ketchup!"
Source: livefromsnacktime
#8. "Me too kid, me too"
Source: livefromsnacktime
#9. Grumpy cat said the same thing.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#10. Yes, yes it is. Wise child.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#11. Jar Jar Beenks
Source: livefromsnacktime
#12. It's actually pretty therapeutic.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#13. Jewelers
Source: livefromsnacktime
#14. Till digestion does part you
Source: livefromsnacktime
#15. Why else would anyone lock the doors!?!?!?!
Source: livefromsnacktime
#16. Awwww, so cuteeeee
Source: livefromsnacktime
#17. Cake is something you can count on. Also fingers.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#18. That's some serious wisdom from such a little one.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#19. "You see, this person is 4, while their feet are 5"
Source: livefromsnacktime
#20. It's a real deal.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#21. Kid's keeping up with small talk.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#22. Hurry up, please! Someone is waiting.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#23. That's the right way to feel even if it's hard
Source: livefromsnacktime
#24. Suave romantic line.
Source: livefromsnacktime
#25. Exercise bike
Source: livefromsnacktime
#26. And they pay the bills
Source: livefromsnacktime
#27. Who doesn't?
Source: livefromsnacktime
#28. Coming the Fry-day
Source: livefromsnacktime
#29. So she can continue to love and annoy her dad all at once
Source: livefromsnacktime
#30. World's best upcoming poet.
Source: livefromsnacktime
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