
10 Tricks Movie Stars Use To Fool Everybody

Ever wondered how some scenes look extra realistic onscreen? Like how babies seem to cry on command or how actresses can run in heels like it’s no big deal. Turns out there are many tricks movie stars use to fool us all into believing what we see onscreen are real. Hollywood has a lot of secrets up their sleeves, and the truth is much simpler than you think.
So scroll down and discover some tricks movie stars use to look extra convincing onscreen. It’s time to uncover some Hollywood secrets that baffle us for years!

1. Actors Wear Special Suits Or Apply Patches To Their Bodies During Shower Scenes

tricks movie stars use Actors Wear Special Suits Or Apply Patches To Their Bodies During Shower ScenesSource: GIPHY

Don’t actors get shy when they undress and take a shower or a bath in front of the entire filming crew? Well, they actually don’t have to get 100% naked. Actress Mindy Kaling revealed that she wore a strapless nude color bodysuit in showers scenes. Amy Adams uses special patches and stickers to cover up her private body parts. This method is more convincing, but also a lot riskier because the patches tend to become loose in the water.

2. They Use Different Tricks To Make Actors Look Sweaty

tricks movie stars use They Use Different Tricks To Make Actors Look SweatySource: GIPHY

How come movie stars look so attractive with sweat while most of us look and feel horrible? The truth is, the sweat we see onscreen isn’t real. Most of the time it’s a mixture of water and petroleum jelly. Makeup artists would apply this to actors’ skin to make them look sweaty and glowy.
Stranger Things’ makeup artists even take one step further and cover Billy with lip gloss from head to toe. They could have doused the actor in water, but it was freezing on set that day, so they went for lip gloss.

3. Movie Stars Eat A Mint Before A Kissing Scene

tricks movie stars use Movie Stars Eat A Mint Before A Kissing SceneSource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

Kissing scenes might look romantic onscreen, but it can be a pain in the ass for the actors or the actresses if their co-stars have terrible breath. So Hollywood actors would often pop in a mint before they lock their lips. However, this tradition is much less common in Britain and Australia, so the actors from these countries can be confused if they get offered a mint.

4. Actors Chew Food But Don’t Swallow It

tricks movie stars use Actors Chew Food But Don’t Swallow ItSource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

A scene may require multiple takes to get everything right. So when actors need to eat in certain scenes, they don’t actually swallow their food. If they eat it for real, they will get full after three or four takes, not to mention the weight gain from overeating. So they chew the food in front of the camera, then spit it out into a bucket as soon as the director says cut.

5. They Use Baby Wranglers To Help Babies Cry On Set

tricks movie stars use They Use Baby Wranglers To Help Babies Cry On SetSource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

Everybody knows babies do what they want, so how can Hollywood directors get them to cry on command for their scenes? The answer is so-called baby wranglers. These people spend time with the babies and form a close bond with them. They are great at controlling the children’s emotions and reactions. Baby wranglers just need to start crying, and the kid will cry too. That’s how they get babies to cry on command.

6. Some Actors Use Earphones

Some Actors Use EarphonesSource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

Many movie stars would sometimes wear little earphones during filming. For example, Johnny Depp listened to a baby crying or other sounds to help him express necessary emotions with his eyes. Robert Downey Jr. has his assistant feed him various alternate lines through an earpiece.

7. Actresses Are Trained To Run In Heels

Actresses Are Trained To Run In HeelsSource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

We can barely walk fast in heels, but female characters in action movies can run in them like no big deal. That might sound unrealistic, but it’s not. Many actresses train to run in heels on set.
For example, Bryce Dallas Howard did exercises for her ankles and trained as hard as she would for the Olympic Games just to film the running scenes in Jurassic World. Lucy Liu also learned the secret to running in heels for the movie Charlie’s Angels: you should run on the front of your feet, not your heels.

8. Background Actors Don’t Speak. They Just Mouth Words Silently

Background Actors Don’t Speak. They Just Mouth Words SilentlySource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

The extra on TV Shows always look like they’re having lively discussions, but we never hear what they say. This is because they don’t actually speak. They just mouth words silently. The murmur of a crowd is a sound effect that is added on the post-production stage.

9. They Use Special Contact Lenses To Play A Blind Person

They Use Special Contact Lenses To Play A Blind PersonSource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

Portraying a blind person is not an easy task. Some movie stars have to wear special contact lenses that block their vision for real while filming, like like Blake Lively in All I See Is You. However, her eyes would adapt to her contacts, and she had to keep getting thicker lenses to block her vision.

10. There Are Many Different Tricks To Elicit A Necessary Emotional Reaction

There Are Many Different Tricks To Elicit A Necessary Emotional ReactionSource: Courtesy of Everett Collection

Even the most talented actors can have trouble producing a necessary emotional reaction on command. So sometimes, the filmmakers and their co-stars will come up with unconventional methods to elicit necessary reactions from them. In Dracula, Gary Oldman surprised Winona Ryder with a zucchini that he randomly took from a vegetable cart on the set. Her reaction was perfect for the scene.
For the movie It, the director separated the child actors and Bill Skarsgårduntil they had to shoot scenes together. When the creepy clown showed up, the kids were terrified for real.
Those are some tricks movie stars use to convince us that their acting is real. Which one impresses you the most? If you’re still curious about how a star can look completely different when they’re acting, check out our previous post about 17 celebrities who look like completely different people when they smile!
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