10 Obscure And Weird Facts About Celebrities That Will Make Your Jaw Feel To The Floor
Everyone has their own secrets and celebrities are no exception. Though paparazzi have worked at full capacity to find out secrets and then the world feels like they know everything about their favorite famous people, you never really know what’s going on behind closed doors.
Secrets come out in many forms, from selfie announcements and live videos to reactions and statements in response to current rumors. When celebs are willing to let others in some of those things they had kept hidden, minds are blown. These facts expose their real things and prove that celebrities are just regular people.
Below are 10 secrets about celebs that we somehow missed. If you're looking for more, read these articles: 10 Celebrities With Insane Family Secrets and 10 Celebrity Family Secrets That Will Shock You To The Core.
Secrets come out in many forms, from selfie announcements and live videos to reactions and statements in response to current rumors. When celebs are willing to let others in some of those things they had kept hidden, minds are blown. These facts expose their real things and prove that celebrities are just regular people.
Below are 10 secrets about celebs that we somehow missed. If you're looking for more, read these articles: 10 Celebrities With Insane Family Secrets and 10 Celebrity Family Secrets That Will Shock You To The Core.
#1 Dwayne Johnson had male breast reduction surgery
Source: CJ Rivera / East News, Jack Shea / EAST NEWS
#2 Salma Hayek applied temporary butterfly tattoos because designers refused to lend her jewelry
Source: © Featureflash Archive / Alamy Stock Photo
#3 The Weeknd heard his song in public for the first time while working at a shop
Source: © theweeknd / Instagram
#4 Timothée Chalamet was once a rapper known as Lil Timmy Tim
Source: © tchalamet / Instagram
#5 Tina Turner did Angela Bassett’s hair and makeup on the set of What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Source: © tinaturner / Instagram, © im.angelabassett / Instagram
#6 Oscar Isaac used to play in ska bands and even once opened for Green Day
Source: SOPA Images / East News
#7 Tom Hardy made rap music in the ’90s
Source: East News
#8 Henry Golding used to be a hairdresser
Source: © henrygolding / Instagram, © henrygolding / Instagram
#9 Zendaya watches Harry Potter about once a day
Source: © zendaya / Instagram
#10 Jennifer Lawrence dropped out of middle school at 14
Source: TOMMASO BODDI / AFP / East News
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